SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 467. 1925. 1197 Willapa Harbor, WVashington. Port Angeles Harbor, ¥Vashington. Chehalis River, Washington. Olympia. Harbor, Waslungton. Saxman Harbor, Tongass Narrows, Alaska. 41***8- Hyder Harbor, Alaska. Ketchikan Creek, Alaska. Port Alexander, Alaska. Wrangell Harbor, Alaska, with a view to the extension of the breakwater. Yukon River, near Fort Yukon, Alaska. Yukon River, near Holy Cross, Alaska. Resurrection Bay breakwater or harbor of refuge, Alaska. _ HHonolulu Harbor, Kalihi Harbor, and comiecting channels, H°°""i‘ awan. Mayaguez Harbor, Porto Rico. Porta Ri¢¤· Arecibo Harbor, Porto Rico. San Juan Harbor, Porto Rico. Sec. 9. That the Secretary of War is authorized to appropriate §&’°0}’Q{ékQ'g,{·,m_ and use for the improvement of Coos Bay Harbor, Oregon, the i>r¤v¤m¤¤¢s. rock lyin in lots 2 and 3 of section 11, township 31 south, range 12 west, €Villamette meridian. Sec. 10. That the Secretary of War is hereby authorized to modify, §4° gC°lii;.¤b¤t from time to time, the harbor lines at Newport Harbor, California, ““$§,_3,, p_ m_ established in pursuance of section 3 of the River and Harbor Act of July 27, 1916: Provided, That in his opinion such modification °° m°°' will not injuriously aifect the interests of navigation. Sec. 11. That whenever local interests shall offer to advance funds ,m·},,°°{’”0§°f,§,,°,§£‘,‘;’§‘},§ for the prosecution of a work of river and harbor improvement duly ;¤l¤;¤¤,z<;j,¤r¤ up <>¤ auadopted and authorized by law the Secretary of War may, in his wu ' discretion, receive such funds and expend the same in the immediate prosecution of such work. The Secretary of War is hereby author- R°'°°’“"’“‘· ized and directed to re ay without interest, from appropriations which may be provided by Congress for river and harbor improve- P,,,,,,,_ ments, the moneys so contributed and expended: Provided, That no m£;¤¤f*¤¤¤¤ ¤¤ wwwrepayment of funds which may be contributed for the purpose of ` meeting any conditions of local cooperation imposed b Congress, , nor under the authority of section 4 of the River and Harbor Act, ‘°"”·""°°°‘ apgroved March 4, 1915, shall be made. _ Bc. 12. The agreement entered into November 12, 1924, sub- *‘“° Ect to ratification and approval by Congress, between the Chief of m{;gtg;g¤¢p;{¤{r*g¢g¤; ngineers, United States Army, acting on behalf of the United triage mm, mined. States, and the Pennsylvania Railroad Company and Delaware Railroad Company, to provide for the reconstruction of the latter company’s bridge across the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, is 7 hereby ratified and approved; and so much as may be necessary of c,,§,§’ §{2§,‘,§"_'°' "“" the funds which have been or may be made availa le under the au- "°*-*°·¤-1277- thority of Congress for improving inland waterway from Delaware River to Chesapeake Bay, Delaware and Maryland, shall be devoted to carryin out said agreement in accordance with the terms and tenor thereoi Us, 0,,,,,;,0,,,,, (om Sec. 13. That the Secretary of Agriculture is authorized to per- emu. ac., mamma mit the War Department to take earth, stone, and timber from the ‘°' °°‘“°“’°“°"‘ national forests for use in the construction of river and harbor and other works in charge of that department, subject to such regulations and restrictions as he may prescribe. Lm Bmkhm Ah Sec. 14. That the portion of Black Warrior River between Dam Portion _¤: ami Numbered 17 and the junction of Locust and Mulberry Forks, in w"“‘°' R“'°" ‘”“°""· the State of Alabama, shall hereafter be known as Lake Bankhead. byatjoual neswen Sec. 15. The Secretary of War is authorized to cause to be_made B‘g‘}p%k§,§;,°,d,s_ Such modification and alterations of the National Research Building rricr ¤¤r1¤¤=r'¤ ¤¢¤¤¤-