SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 468. 1925. 1205 To enable the Interstate Commerce Commission to enforce compli- b Er’;_\€;>;g,§a°°¤¤¤*i¤¤ ance with section 20 and other sections of the Act to regulate com- lvo1.a4,ii. me; voi. merce as amended by the Act approved June 29, 1906, and as amended Egg? 55** V°I‘ “’ "‘ by the Transportation Act, 1920, including the employment of necessary special accounting agents or examiners, and including per diem {’,*j,gd=,,gmS*{,l£;°;,*¤*°¤¤¤- in lieu of subsistence when allowed pursuant to section 13 of the Sun- ’ p` ' dry Civil Appropriation Act approved August 1, 1914, $1,189,250, of $,,,,,,,,8 in th, ms, which amount not to exceed $200,000 may be expended for personal tmservices in the District of Columbia. To enable the Interstate Commerce Commission to keep informed p,§g“mg¤Y Sem? **1* regarding and to enforce compliance with Acts to promote the safety voi. p. om; Vol, of employees and travelers upon railroads; the Act requiring com- €?,;{’5,§?g,Y§},g,i2·°‘°“· mon carriers to make reports of accidents and authorizin investiga- $,ggigg¤°¤-35,, tions thereof; and to enable the Interstate Commerce Commission ’p` ' to investigate and test block-signal and train—contro1 systems and $}g¤g_g**=l¤;¤*g:;_,;*§,°, appliances intended to promote the safety of railway operation, as ss, pfszi; von. is, pl authorized by the joint resolution approved June 30, 1906, and the m" provision of the SundryiCivil Act approved May 27, 1908, including the employment of a. c of inspector at_$6,000 per annum, and two assistant chief inspectors at $5,000 each per annpm, and such other inspectors as may be necessary, and for per d1em in lieu of sub- $T,i$’i3§f”§‘¥•§*?i*?°°”“‘ sistence when allowed pursuant to section 13 of the Sundry Civil Appropriation Act a proved August 1, 1914, $650,000, of which mScg"*¤¤¤ m *¤¤ D*=· amount not to exceed §200,000 may be expended for personal services ` in the District of Columbia. For all authorized expenditures under the provisions of the Act er§¤;gc'°°°¤¤°*i'° **0**- . of February 17, 1911, ‘To promote the safety of employees and \l'ol.36, p.913;V0l. travelers upon railroads by compelling common_carriers engaged in 40lIii{1?i*»g;p.1192. interstate commerce to equipl their locomotives with safe and suitable boilers and appurtenances thereto," as amended by the Act of lblarch 4, 1915, extending " the same powers and duties with respect to all parts and appurtenances of the locomotive tender," and amend- ‘·:;*,,·},*¤I;>¤;¤,,,*¤¤v¤¤°¤*¤· ment of June 7, 1924, providing for the appointment from time to i I time by the Interstate Commerce Commission of not more than fifteen inspectors in addition to the number anthorized in the first paragraph of section 4 of the_Act of 1911, including such leval, techmca , stenographic, and clerical help as the business of the offices {’,g,y*;g¤¤;¤¤;g•6*¤·¤¤· of the chief inspector and his two assistants may require, and for ' ` per diem in lieu of subsistence when allowed pursuant to section 13 of the Sundry Civil Appropriation Act approved Auggst 1, 1914 $450,000, of which amount not to exceed $65,820, may expended m$cg”*°°= *¤ *h° D*•· for ersonal services in the District of Columbia. ` Vliluation of property of carriers: To enable the Interstate Com- mgm? '¤*¤¤°*°¤ <>‘ merce Commission to carry out the objects of the Act entitled “An Vol.3`},`p.701;Vol. Act to amend an Act entitled ‘An Act to regulate commerce} 2203]* 271* V°l‘ *2* "‘ approved February 4, 1887, and all Acts amendatory thereof,” by providinv foravaluation of the several classes of property of carriers I¤¤¤¤°‘=*°¤*·¤°¤- subject tliereto and securing information concerning their stocks, bonds, and other securities, approved March 1, 1913, including one director of valuation, one supervisor of land appraisals, one super- die _ V1SlI1g engineer, and one supervisor of accounts, at $9,000 each per $$,i_;§§,l°6§‘i‘,{S°°°°°` annum. and per diem in lieu of subsistence when allowed pursuant to section 13 of the Sundiiy Civil Appropriation Act approved August 1, 1914, $1,946,552, o which sum $200,000 shall be immediately available; Pm/vided, That this appropriation shall not be ,*;';,"§’r‘;g,,,m0u available for rent of buildings in the District of Columbia if suitable ` Space is provided by the Public Buildings Commission. _ _ _ _For all printing and binding for the Interstate Commerce Com- *****1 *““‘*‘ mission, including not to exceed $10,000 to print and furnish to the States at cost report-form blanks, $160,000.