1220 SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 477. 1925. ¤¤¤¤¤¢¤¤¢¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤· For maintenance, repairs, fuel, lighting, Htting up buildings, lunch·room equipment; purchase, exchange, and maintenance of bicy- cles and motor delivery vehicles, and other contingent expenses, $15,000. cimziusenrexpenses. CONTINGENT AND MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES 1¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤i¤¤d- For printing, checks, books, law books, books of reference, periodicals, stationery; surveying instruments and implements; drawing materials; binding, rebinding, repairing, and preservation of records; purchase of laboratory apparatus_and equipment and maintenance of laboratory in the office of the inspector of asphalt and cement; damages; livery, purchase, and care of horses and carriages or buggies and bicgclesdnothotherwise piéowlgided for; horseshoeing; ice, repairs to poun an ve icles· use o icycles by inspectors in the engmeer department not to exdeed $800 in the aggregate; and other general necessary expenses of District offices, including the ersona1— tax board, harbor master, health department, surveyor’s office, office of superintendent of weights measures and markets de artment _ % a _ _ v 1 P hmm { ofnrnsurance, anduBoard ci Cgarities, $47,000. ` ¤*¤<¤’¤ °¢ or printing a annua an special reports of the overmn t f ¤mlymm5' the District of Columbia for the fiscal year ending 5une 30,611925,
dmm_ for submission to Congress, $4,800: Provided, That authority is
uumm. hereby_given the Commissioners of the District of Columbia to discontinue the printing of any annual or special reports of the of dg governmtegsnofltlhe District of Columbia in order to keep the expendi- _ · \11°BS·Wl t `s appropriation. In all cases where th f mm of said reports is discontinued, the original copy thereoti glliiillllllvg léept oa fi; in tgp offices the Commissioners of the District of o um 1a or pu ic inspec 10D. M°°°* v¤l¤¤l¤¤- For maintenance care repair and o ration of - ° Mum automobiles owned iby tlie District of &\11I1bl8,$6g§%S3?§§;€?;§g;Ié§ of such passengermarrying automobiles now owned by the District of Columbia as, in the ]u gment of the commissioners of said Dismmm Z?°§:.Z;Z`fi"g2£i1§2i§»l’§§°Z‘.?iL‘.?.S§£5LZ°”;bl‘? ii’25°;.”t“d f°”ih°H¤“”h“S° ‘ · s o ows: ssc $1,500; District Training School (home and schsddll Sh; dgelilic? mmded),1one $,000; one Ford runabout, with slig·on body for the mun1c1lpa_ arc itects office, $420, three Ford fiel wagons for the sewer ivision, $1,950; one Ford touring car for the jail, $500- one autobus for the National 'l`rainin§ School for Girls, $1,000;, one Mmmm for pd. auppobus for Gallinger Municipal ospital, $1,250; in all, $84,670. $5* msu mm 0i' 8U0W¤11<>€S fo1‘ fu}'¤1$h1I{g prlvately owned motor vehicles in · the performance of 0mC18l duties at the rate of not to exceed $312 perl yegfg ip); each automobile and $156 per year for each motor CFC Bi , · Use by umchis rv- · · ,¤m.L All of said motor vehicles and H th t h` ‘ for in this Act and all h0rse—dra:vn(i:a1?1·Iiam0 Oaiinde bmlcs' provided by the District of Columbia shall be used og for purlpgsgdgsdgvgcill pertaining to the public services of said District, and shall be uncle; pgetdirectipgn and Ipontrolhof the commissioners, who may from time __1mea rorcaneteassignm tf th f ' joint or interchangeable use of any% tig slslsfie b<ym§)lHc(iiil§hd·1(idt Jil? _ ployeieis &)f1El;OtD1§§1:1ili; except as otherwise provided in this Act: cmmmm me e a wi e exception of mot h' l f th li and fire departments, no automobile shall)rb:i€adii1‘i?recl)runc‘le1Ii)0anO)E; plpovision of this lécf, by purchase or exchange at a cost, including . e va ue o a ve c e exc anged exceedin $650 except as m be “"“"“" '°'”*d"°¤· herem specifically authorized. Nd motor vehicles shall be transfigred