SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 477. 1925. 1247 fix the salaries of officers and members of the Metropolitan police force, the United States park police force, and the fire department of the District of Co1umbia," approved May 27, 1924, $127,446. For purchase, repair, and exchange of bicycles and revolvers for Purchase or equip park police and for purchase of ammunition, $800. “‘°'”· °‘°· For purchase, maintenance, repair, operation, and exchange of motor cycles for park police, $4,850. For purchasing and supplying uniforms to park police, $5,800. U¤”°¤¤*· imrnovnmnrrr AND CARE or runmo enormns For improvement and care of public ounds in the District of I“‘¥"°"°m°“° md Columbia, including foremen, ggrdenerzg mechanics, skilled and mggrgivgegoililéigivemw unskilled laborers, maintenance, repair, exchange, and operation of not to exceed four motor-propelled passenger—carrying vehicles, the purchase of one motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicle to cost not exceeding $700, and the maintenance, repair, exchange, and operation of motor cycles and bicycles for division foremen, $431,100. _ For continuing construction of tourists’ camp on its present site m2`c°‘$§§’{’f °""“’·P°"* in East Potomac Park, $50,000; for maintenance of such camp, $5,000; in all, $55,000. For placing and maintaining special portions of the parks in con- °“°d°°' ”°"“‘ dition for outdoor sports, $19,460. _ For operation, care, repair, and maintenance of the pumps which U“‘°“S°”'l°“p“’“p“‘ operate the three fountains' on the Union Station Plaza, $4,50. _ The unexpended balance of the sum of $50,000 and the appropri- b§§§“1'i‘;Qs,,{,‘Q{,,},’“{.',Q‘,'},‘f ation of $25,000 provided in the second deficiency Act, fiscal year gzgsm im the 1924, approved December 5, 1924, for the construction and mainte- A1•!':r¥>l898. nance of the bathing beach and bathhouse on the west shore of the Tidal Basin in Potomac Park are hereby directed to be covered into ` the Treasury to the credit of the District of Columbia. For expenses incident to the conducting of band concerts in the B““d °°“°°"°‘ public parks, $3,000. _ For improvement and maintenance as a recreation park of section A£,‘§§}‘§,‘§"}?‘,,,k?°°°i°“• D, Anacostia Park, between Pennsylvania Avenue and the Anacostia Bridge, $63,060. A For the construction of shelter and comfort station in Rock Creek §l§§§,$'§€§,£€§§;,¤_ Park, $10 000. _ rmmge rm. For widening the Inlet Bridge, West Potomac Park, $20,000. br}g;°<i¤¤*¤¤ i¤¤•¢ Li hting the public grounds: For lighting the public grounds, mgimng purine watcgmens lodges, offices, garages, shops, storehouses, an green- ¥“"“°"* houses at the propagating gardens, including all necessary expenses of installation, maintenance, and repair, $37,480. _ For heating offices, watchmen’s lodges, and greenhouses at the H°°‘“" °m°°’• °‘°· propagating gardens, $6,000. NAr1oNAL CAPITAL PARK COMMISSION i»£‘:°’8.‘§.;‘.l..i‘.i.‘§¥"‘°‘ For each and every purpose requisite for and incident to the work ,.§,'§Y.§d§}Tm' M" "' of the National Capital Park Commission as authorized by section 3 of the Act entitled "An Act providing for a comprehensive de- ’""‘*""6°‘ velopment of the park and playground system of the National Capital," approved June 6, 1924, including not to exceed $9,120 for personal services in the District of Columbia in accordance with the Classification Act of 1923, $600Q000, to be available immediately and to remain available until expended. NATIONAL ZOOLOGICAL PARK P§f§f‘°“°‘ z°°‘°’*°°l For roads, walks, bridges, water supply, sewerage, and drainage; E‘P°““’· grading, planting, and otherwise improving the grounds, erecting 45822°—25'i-—81