SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 526-528. 1925. 1265 Sm. 2. That the last para a h of the Aet entitled “An Act to ¤*»=¤¤¤*¤¤¤¤·~¤·¤- amend section 876 of the Rcvigded) Statutes," approved September 19, edY°m'p'8i8'am°ud` 1922, is amended to read as follows: " This amendment shall be eifective for a period of six years after ,,£‘§f,f,°°*gm,“';}“ gg? September 19, 1922, after which section 876 as it exists in the present R. S..ii¤c.87¤iri Hd law shall be and remain in full force and eEect.” Approved. March 4, 1925. CHAP. 527.-An Act To permit the merger of street railway corporations Milsiliiédizl operating in the District of Columbia, and for other purposes. ‘ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the _ United States o{ America on Congress assembled, That any or all g§gi°l$§(§:?§,m£;i1 of the street rai way companies operating in the District of Colum· g§*°·P° ”°‘“° bia, be, and they are hereby, authorized and empowered to merge or consolidate, either by purchase or lease by one company of the properties, and/or stocks or securities of any of the others, or by the formation of a new corporation to acquire the properties and/or stocks or securities and to succeed to the powers and obligations of each or any of said companies under such terms and conditions as h.,‘§,“§§.,Ym°“t °"°°°k` may be agreed upon by vote of amajority in amoimt of the stock of the respective corporations and as may be approved by the Public _ Utilities Commission of the District of Columbia: Provided, That $$5 to ,,,,],,,,,,,,1 no merger of said companies shall be finally consummated until the °‘C°°¤’°“·_ same is approved by a joint resolution of Congress. Such new qui$6°3,r$§;'§t'°" r°` corporation shall be incorporated under the provisions of Subchapter V°’· ‘“· *’· 1**- IV, Chapter XVIII of the Code of Law of the District of Columbia as far as applicable, with issues of stock at a stated par value and/or of no par value, as may be approved by the Public Utilities Commission. Antimerger restric- Sec. 2. The inhibitions and restrictions contained in section 11 of "‘§£‘§{§’§f°,§'}’§*(;,,,,_ the Act of March 4, 1913 (commonly known as the antimerger law, Public, Numbered 435, Thirty-seventh Statutes at Large, page 1006), be, and the same are hereby, removed so far, and only so far, as they affect the acquisition by any corporation of the stocks or bonds of ang of the corporations referred to in the foregomgl section. _ A d , nc. 3. Congress reserves the right to alter, amen , or repeal this "“’° “"°‘ Act or any provision thereof. Approved, March 4, 1925. CHAP. 528.-An Act To authorize the building of a bridge across the Santee saver in seeth oamima. ¤’··*·*··=· M- ml Be it enacted b the Senate and House o Re esentattves o the United States of Azinerica in Uongress assembiizd, 'Fliat the State Iiigh- b §éiKii1°diY€ish; nga; Way Department of South Carolina be, and is hereby, authorized ;§,,§§’;,g_”°°' ° to construct, maintain and operate a highway bridge and approaches thereto across the Santee River at a point suitable_to the interests of navigation, at or near the mouth of Pmgdar Landing, between the Cmmm,,m_ counties of Clarendon and Orangeburg, outh Carolina, m accord- V¤1.34.p.84. ance with the provisions of an Act entitled, “A.n Act to regplate the Construction of bridges over navigable waters,” approved arch 23, 1906- _ _ Amendment. Sec. 2. The right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby expressly reserved. Approved, March 4, 1925.