srxrrnionrn oouomass. sm. ii. cH. sae. 1925. 1273 officers of field rank of the Marine Corps whose names are borne on the aforesaid eligible list for that department. That any officer of the grade or rank of colonel whose name is §gl$r‘;$§é¤t at 56 H not borne on one of the current eligible lists for appointment as not ori eligible liscior brigadier general or head of a staff department shall, if more than bugmm g°°°r°1° fifty-six years of age, be retired with a percentage of the pay received Pas" by him at the date of retirement equal to 2% per centum, to be V0,_,,,, ,,_m_ computed in accordance with the provisions of section 1 of the Act i entitled "An Act to readjust the pay and allowances of the commissioned and enlisted personnel of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, Coast and Geodetic Survey, and Public Health Service,” approved June 10, 1922, not to exceed 75 per centum, · immrzr or ooivrnaorons. R°“°'°'°°¤*¤¤>¤>¤~ Sec. 8. That the Secretary of the Navy be, and he is hereby, c§,§,`§°°}§}g’§§s§‘§,“ YQ authorized and directed to make thorough investigation of the merits ‘,§_°,j*j5§,°*§9*;§‘}f,°,*},,§{*g$l$,§ of the claims (including claims for release from Government claims ber11,'1918. for liquidated damages, but excluding claims in cases where a full, final, unqualified release has been given the United States) which may be submitted to him in writing within six months after the passage of this Act, and verified under oath, for any loss alleged to have been caused to any of such claimants in the performance of any fixed price (including fixed unit price) contract with the United States through the Secretary of the Navy, or the Navy Department, from April 6, 1917, to November 11, 1918, inclusive, or in the performance of that portion of any such contract previously entered into which remained unoompleted on April 6, 1917, which loss was occasioned by the action of any Government agency by G ¢;<;<1;¤¤¢;)¤r<;:_1r,l;; reason of priority orders for material, or transportation, com- mm. mandeering of property, or other order of Government authority not authorized by the contract on or between March 4, 1917, and November 11 1918 inclusive. . The Secretary of the Navy shall submit estimates of appropriations m,$§‘§d‘“‘§,*°“,§§ °c& required to satisfy such of the claims as he may investigate under this authority as may be found to possess merit, accompanied by a comprehensive presentation of the facts in each case, but such findmgs so communicated shall not be construed as imposing any obl1gation pipon the Government or releasing any claim or rights of the overnment. No claim shall be considered under this authorization for alleged xmsrbxiie Eeriiépgorili losses on account of increases in jvages until a claimant shall have g‘;"§,$§°G'§Qg°°m,‘{{,,f,_ established proof to the satisfaction of the Secretary of the Navy that he actuall paid his employees theaward ordered or recommended by the lifacy Board or other Government agency and that his entire volume of business with the Government uring the period covered by the claim did not yield a net profit. _ _ Aummty ,0 mm In the performance of the_ duties imposed by this section the g:&Sm§p:¤¤,e¤m1m Secretary of the Navy is authorized to summon witnesses and examine ’ ` them under oath, to require claimants to exhibit their books and papers, and to have access to and the right to examine pertinent income—tax returns and other financial reports of such claimants as may be in the custody of the Secretary of the Treasury. . REPEAL or so MUCH or srzcrrox 3 or THE Ac·r or JUNE 4, 1920, as N°'¤lR°°”"°*`°'°°- Avrnonizns ·rnANsrr:ns Arco Arroiurmnxrs rr: mn nnounuc NAVY. Transfers hereafter of Sec. 9. That hereafter no officer of the United States Naval Reserve g§§f,°;;_°‘» ‘°l`·"Y '°" Force shall be transferred to or appointed in the regular Navy under