SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 536. 1925. 1275 REIMBUKSEMENT ro CERTAIN FIRMS, ASSOCIATIONS, Ann conronyrroivs M°¤°Y ¤d"¤¤°°S· ron Mommy Anvaivcm. Sec. 13. That the Paymaster General of the Navy, with the t,,l,‘,‘§§1,°'€.§.i’°,§‘.‘.$,§‘.§,§3Z approval of the Secretary of the Navy, is hereby authorized, in his ;},';,'?gQ gw v'y*"{§ discretion, to make reimbursement to any individual, firm, associa- Warouamweazgy. tion, company, or corporation for money advanced on behalf of the Government during the World War to any officer or enlisted man of the naval service on account of pay if upon presentation of evidence satisfactory to himself it is established that such individual, firm, association, company, or corporation has not heretofore received reimbursement in any way for the mone so advanced: Provided, _{Q,°§ffQ{·,,mm,d_ That the total amount for the purpose og reimbursement shall not exceed the sum of $35,000: Provided further, That any amounts ,h§‘“§§’Z,°§“"‘“ my °' thus allowed shall be payable from the appropriation for pay of the Navy current at the time of settlement. serrnmmnr or Acoonzvrs or nrseunsmo orsicnns or rum NAVY. mggggg °* d*S*”¤¤· Src. 15. That the Comptroller General of the United States is t0C<§,¤gg°*;$*ed‘§t·;¤¤{g} hereby authorized and directed to allow amounts credited, prior to Payments to assistants his decision of May 20, 1922, as the " highest pay of his ade " to t° Ohm °' B“'°°“S‘ the ofiioers detailed as assistants to the Chiefs of Bureaus cgi Supplies and Accounts and Medicine and Surgery, and hereafter any officer delmfk ‘*°*°°“°' '°*' of the naval service who is, pursuant to law, detailed to duty as ` assistant to a chief of bureau of the Navy Department or as assistant to the Judge Advocate Genera] of the Navy, shall, while so serving, receive the highest pay of his rank. ooumnmnn ounms o. Maas. °"°"°’ °·M“”· Sec. 16. That the Secretary of the Navy is authorized to supple- S“*’¥"°“‘$}"°”}'°Y" ment the military record of the late Lieutenant Commander Charles g1r€;¤(i{§rv°: gércig O. Maas, Naval Reserve Force, to show the voluntary service °° mz ` performed by said Lieutenant Commander Maas, and accepted by the Navy Department subsequent to the date upon which he was placed on inactive duty, and that such acceptance may be treated as a recall to active service: Provided, That no back pay or allow- 1,,,, m, ances of any kind shall accrue as a result of the passage of this section. Uivrrnn s·rA·r.¤:s Naw mum. N"" B"“°‘ Sec. 17. That hereafter the band now stationed at the navy {ard, m’;°‘I§{ n§‘Q‘§’;};‘,'g Washington, District of Columbia, and known as the Navy ard sv d¤¤iz¤¤¤¤d· Band, s all be designated as the United States Navy Band, and the leader of this band shall receive the pay and allowances of a P“"·_°‘°··°"°°"°'· lieutenant in the Navy: Provided, That all service as an enlisted $,,1 ’,,,"’",(,,"’·,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,0, man in the naval service shall be counted in computing longpv1tyl¤;§¤Vg*Yk t increases for pay of this leader: Provided further, That no bac pay ° “° "“’ ° °‘ 01* allowances shall be allowed to this leader by reason of the passage N I hu _ of this Act: And provided further, That hereafter during concert 0,, ,,‘,§,,‘§°‘,,°t,,,,,§Y'°""° tours approved by the President members of the United States Navy Band shall suffer no loss of allowances. Never. Acannmr BAND. B,§,§f“l ·*°°d°”‘Y Sec. 18. That the ay and allowances of the members of the Naval Pe? Md ¤¤¤w¤¤¢¤- Academy Band shali)be those provided for enlisted men of the Navy "°‘~ *2- P· 62** by the Act of June 10, 1922, except that the second leader shall receive Fw °*s°°°¤d ‘°¤d°'· the pay and allowances provided in said Act for warrant officers of