SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 536. 1925. 1277 Large, pages 191 to 194), as amended by the Act approved June 4, 1920, sections 33 and 34 (41 Statutes at Large, pages 7 7 6 to 779) : Provided, That the powers conferred therein upon the Secretary of g"°•’*·*°·*· War with regard to the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps are hereby vesii§imgim°i piilvig conferred upon the Secretary of the Navy with regard to the Naval °"" Reserve Oi’1icers’ Training Cor sz Provided further, That all b_,°¤°’°¥};’§,j °”°·· *° expenditures in connection with tile establishment and operation of priaimor. Y amothe Naval Reserve Officers’ Training Corps shall be specifically appropriated therefor: And provided further, That members of the be§_”§‘,,b§,§*;a,°§,e';,*§; Naval Reserve OfIicers’ Training Corps shall be eli 'ble for a oint- ¤m<>¤¤s. gl. PP. ment as Naval Reserve officers under the same conditions as provided by law for the appointment of Naval Reserve officers from other citizens of the United States, and when so appointed shall have the same status and be entitled to the same benefits in all respects as provided by law for other members of the Naval Reserve: And ,,,§§§,‘§“° °°“’° ‘“` provided further, That the word " naval " wherever used in this _ _ section shall be construed to include Marine Corps: Provided fur- P°”°“”°1 1“‘“°°°· ther, That the total personnel of the Naval Reserve Officers’ Training Corps shall not exceed at any one time more than twelve hundred. REIMBURSEMENT OF CERTAIN PERSONS Fon Loss or LIBERTY BONDS AND Bgagis °* Lib°"Y v1c•ro12Y NOTES wuinn NAVAL GENERAL counr-MARTIAL 1’RISONERS• SBC. 23. That there is hereby authorized to be appropriated out $§,,‘“}}’,,“,§f°§“,§,‘}§,{§'g of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the prin- £°r,*jg;fgh°;{°”g¤°g cipal sums herein set forth plus interest thereon at the rate o 4% mouth, N. 11. per centum per annum from October 24, 1918, to the date of this Act; to reimburse the following-named persons: Joseph Taylor, junior, ex-seaman, $100; Paul Victor Heine, ex—landsman for electrician, $250; James William Coker, ex-Hreman, first class, $300; J olm F ogarty, ex-fireman (Coast Guard), $100; and Paul Beck (assignee of ohn Fogarty), ex-fireman (Coast Guard),$250; and to the following-named ersons the principal sums herein set forth Lplus interest thereon at the rate of 4% per centumrsfper annum from ay 20, 1919, to the date of this Act: William Sa eld Meagher, ex—landsman for electrician, $200; John Douglas Williams, ex-mess attendant, third class, $150; Isabelo Quebra , ex—mess attendant, third class, $100; and John Grover Condon, ex-seaman, second class, $100; being the respective amounts of their private funds in the form of Liberty Bonds of the fourth issue and interest thereon, and Victory Notes and interest thereon, which the said persons had placed in the safe in the office of the supply officer at the United States Naval Prison, Portsmouth, New Hampshire, for safe—keeping and which were stolen therefrom on or about March 23, 1920, by some unknown person or persons. Ormcmzs or nm NAVY AND MARINE. CORPS EXAMINED ron nm·rm·:1¤:N·r m'§°’,g¥§{,,‘;’c“*;,’,”0‘,§f wrnu: 1101.mNc TEMPORARY RANK AND Fomvn PHYSICALLY INCA- ¤¤r¤· rAcm·A·rnn IN_LINE or DUTY SHALL BE nB·rm1~:D IN TEMPORARY RANK HELD AT TIMIE or nxAM1NAT1oN BY mrrm1No BOARD AND PAID AOCORDINGLY. Sec. 24. All officers of the Navy and Marine Corps who while ,,,,§§‘,‘}“,§d":,’,§‘§§“,,§,',f,;‘}; holding temporary rank were examined for retirement and found yg¤;s¤*y:&*;d¢*£ physically incapacitated in the line of duty, and whose temporary mmaeea appointments were revoked, shall, in all cases where the department has recalled and canceled the letter revoking the temporary appointment, be considered as having been retired in the temporary rank held by them at the time o examination by the retiring board, and shall be entitled to pay on the retired list computing on the péy of such temporary rank from the day their retirement was e ective.