_ SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 545··547. 1925. 1285 (c) By inserting in section 2 before the words " steam boilers " the words “eng1nes and " and by omitting after the words “ steam boilers " in such section the words “ and engines." (d) By inserting in section 3 after the word " steam ", the words, " or other operating. (e) By inserting section 4 after the words " steam ”, the words " or other operating. (f) By inserting after the word “ steam ” in both places where it occurs in section 5 the words " or other operating." (g) By striking: out in section 6 the words " steam boiler or engine " and inserting in lieu thereof the words " any engine or steam boiler," and by striking out the word " knowingly " in such section. (h) By inserting after the word " sucliL" where it occurs for the second time in section 6 the following: or any person operating without a license or in violation of the provisions of this Act," (i) Insert between the words " steam " and " engineer ” the words “ or other operating. _ _ _ (j) Change the word_ " fifty ” in section 6 to "forty." g'“n‘;""i“"°°°;m (k) Omit the following words in section 6, "and in default of t.,d_° °'”°°° ° °` payment oilpuch HI;B lséhall be confipeél lfor lp period of one month in the wor ouse 0 the istrict 0 0 um ia. (1) After the words "where the water rpturgs to th; boil<:·d" Wum w°t°'h°°t°”‘ in section 6 insert the words " by gravity an omit the wo s “ and which lare worked auto1natica1ly." _ Rm mu 0, St to (rn) By striking out the per1od at the eid of section 7 and_ adding im., P Y ° the words " having reciprocity with the District of COIl1IDb1&.” Approved, March 4, 1925. CHAP. 54B.—An Act Granting the consent of Congress to the village of Spooner, Minnesota, to construct a bridge across the Rainy River. [P¤b“° N°· *21-] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the R _ mv U nited States of America in Congress assembled, That the consent s§$»i¤,M?iA¤.,psy of Congress is hereby granted to the yillage of Spooner, in the county *g';,g’{°f° Rm R"°*· of Laketof thetW<;0ds, State of llgimnesczta, indi its sréccessors gid asswns 0 cons ruc mam am an opera e a ri ge an approac es thedetoiacross the Rainy Biveri at a point suitable to the interpsps of navigation between the village of pooner m the county 0 _ ako of the Wc;ods, State of Minnesota, and Riimy River, Ontario, in Uonstmmon accordance with the provisions of the Act entitled “An Act to regu- v¤1.a4, p.s4.` late the construction of bridges over navigable waters," approved _ _ March 23, 1906, such construction to be made only with the consent ,,,,§,f,'};"§'§° °‘ ‘*“”“*° and approval of the Dominion of Canada. _ Amendment Sec. 2. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby ‘ ' expressly reserved. Approved, March 4, 1925. N CHAP. 547.-AB Act Sor tggqrelief of sufferers from the fire at New Bern, Ijriifiziiihiidi I `orth Carolina, in ecem er, ... ic. .'<>·62Z- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representat£z•es of _ United States of Amereba in_0mtgress assembled, That_the action m§°“' B·"“‘· ’*· Ce of the `War Department in directing the issue and the issuance of fo1§sl§§?e;¤g,#;¤gx¤iyr;;<;rg qluiiarterniasteré storesl out of the resierve ggiarggoié the geld S§l'V1C$_ of n¤m,i¤iszz,app¤¤vse. t e Army. 0 a va ue not excee ing .5 an ID irec in the expenditure of $11.74 from “Signal Jr the Army, 19-23,%