SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 549. 1925. 1293 that ranking minority member of the committee of the expiring Congress yvho is also a member elect of the succeeding Congress. To continue the employment of messengers in the majority and C°“°°$ *’°°¤¤S mw minority caucus rooms, to be appointed by the majority and minority mgm` whips, respectively, at $1,520 each; in all, $3,040. rosa: orrion P¤¤¢¤f¤¤~ Salaries: Postmaster, $4,200; assistant postmaster, $2,570; registry Poscmsm. wasand money-order clerk, $1,830; thirty-four messengers (including °°t’°°°‘ one to superintend transportation of mails), at $1,520 each; for the employment of substitute messengers, and extra services of regular employees at the rate of not to exceed $125 per month each, $1,000; laborer, $1,010; in all, $62,290. For the purchase, exchange, maintenance, and repair of motor Mauvemcies. vehicles for carrying the mails, $3,400. OFFICIAL nnronrmzs or DEBATES SALARIES: Six official reporters of the proceedings and debates of Ommimponers. the House, at $6,000 each; assistant, $3,000; six expert transcribers, at $1,520 each; janitor, $1,220; in all, $49,340. coumrrrnn s·rnNocnA1>m·1as ‘ Seinanms: Four stenographers to committees, at $6,000 each; Stenosraphers to janitor, $1,220; in all, $25,220. °°m'“"°°“‘ Wherever the words “ during the session " occur in the foregoing ,,;,§°'ig¤,*{,,§*},j3¤5;€:S*°¤" paragraphs they shall be construed to mean the two hundred and six ` ays from December 7, 1925, to June 30, 1926, both inclusive. 01.111:11 umn, Mrzmnmxs AND nrmnosms For clerk hire necessarily employed by each Member, Delegate, and 6;**** '***¢· M¤¤¤b¤¤· Resident Commissioner, in the discharge of his official and repre- .i¤u·v.1s2. sentative duties, in accordance with the Act entitled "An Act to tix the compensation of officers and einpslpyees of the Legislative Branch of the Government," approved ay 24, 1924, $1,760,000. courmoaxr mxrmxsi-as or ·rm·: nousr. cmmugenmpeum. For materials for folding, $5,000. roiamgmmrim. For furniture and materials for repairs of the same, including Furniture. not to exceed $13,000 for labor, tools, and machinery for furniture repair shops, $28,000. For material and labor to reconstruct office cabinets, Wanamaker c8§§1°,;’g§;*;*{,‘j**¤¤°*’*°° type, and to convert roll-top desks into iiat—top desks, according to Ezaippmgpciou. approved plans and specifications. the unexpended balance of the '°‘ ‘ appropriation of $20.000 for this purpose for the fiscal year 1925 1S reappropriated for the fiscal year 1926. _ For packing boxes, $4,500. P`*{°’¤” b°‘°°·_ For miscellaneous items and expenses of special and select com- "§j*“°°“°"°°°’ *‘*°”“· mittees. exclusive of salaries and labor. unless specifically ordered by the {House of Representatives, and including reimbursement to the official stenographers to committees for the amounts actually and necessarily paid out by them for transcribing hearings. $190,000. _ _ For stationery for Representatives. Delegates, and Resident Com- =¤*¤°¤¤'¥· missioners. including $5,000 for stationery for the use of the committees and officers of the House, $60,000.