1302 SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cris. 550-553. 1925. _ animals, machinery, tools, implements, and other equipment is hereby ,,,i"‘§‘,§,§l,.,_“"°‘]“b1° I"' extended from June 30, 1925, to June 30, 1935, and said fund is hereby made available for such purposes for ten years from and i after June 30, 1925. g§$€§f‘;,0m Oi; Sec. 2. The Secretary of the Interior is directed to retain in his Q§{*;giI;bsg'g‘§8§;,,§;‘§’ custody until otherwise directed by law the 125 per centum and Vol: 42, p. 1448. other royalties heretofore or hereafter received by him in pursuance gg Public Act Numbered 500, Sixty-seventh Congress, approved arch 4, 1923. Approved, March 4, 1925. Mmn4,1¤2s.
CHAP. 551.—An Act Authorizing the appropriation of $5,000 for the erec-
[P“bh°· N°· 6%} tion of tablets or other form of memorials in the city of Quincy, Massachusetts, in memory of John Adams and John Quincy Adams. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the J,,{,‘§,h“Qu,§_,‘,?",§“d,,¤‘§,{’f1 United States of America in Uongress assembled, That the sum Qu¤§:;}¤gg;5 tghmig of $5,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby auzea. ’ " thorized to be appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of War in the erection of tablets or other form of memorials in the city of Quincy, Massachusetts, in memory of John Adams and John Quincy Adams. · Approved, March 4, 1925. umu 4,ms.
CHAP. 552.—An Act Granting the consent of Congress to the State of
[P“bh°·N°·°27·] Minnesota and the counties of Sherburne and Wright to construct a bridge across the Mississippi River. ‘ Mississippimm Re it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Mmmm etc.,niay United States of America in Congress assembled, That the consent b““‘°· °‘ d“’“"'“‘°'· of Congress is hereby granted to the State of Minnesota and the counties of Sherburne and Wright, and their successors and assigns, to construct, maintain, and operate a bridge and approaches thereto across the Mississippi River at a point suitable to the interests of navigation, at or near the village of Clearwater in the county of Cmmm0¤_ XVright, in the State of Minnesota, in accordance with the provisions v¤1.s·s,p.s4. of the Act entitled “An Act to regulate the construction of bridges over navigable waters," approved March 23, 1906. A”‘°“°m°°°‘ Sec. 2. The right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby expressly reserved. Approved, March 4, 1925. [§§;il09§; CHAP. 553.——~An Act To amend the World War Veterans’ Act, 1924 W W V Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of elw A,,§§§‘§¤d§,Q¤,§Y°””s United States of America in Congress assembled, That paragraph 3 of section 3 of the Vllorld War Veterans’ Act, 1924, is hereby amended to read as follows: m;’l§2`?¥§§’i§,%” mm` “ (3) Except as used in section 300 the terms ‘child’ and ‘ gi-and- Bd—j‘"’°·P·°°’·“m°“d‘ child’ are limited to unmarried persons either (a) under eighteen years of age, or (b) of any age, if permanently incapable of selfsupport by reason of mental or physical defect." ,dj‘”"· "· 6** ‘“”°“d‘ Sec. 2. Section 19 of the lrVorld War Veterans’ Act, 1924., approved _ _ June 7, 1924, is hereby amended to read as follows: ,,,,{,,“f,",‘§’,f"‘,,'},§‘,,,_, ,,,°{’,‘; “Sec. 19. In the event of disagreement as to claim under a contract
°°¤· of insurance between the Bureau and any person or persons claiming
thereunder an action on the claim may be brought against the United