SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cns. 555, 556. 1925. 1313 county, in the State of Minnesota, and the county of Trail] and the town of Herberg, in said county, in the State of North Dakota, authorized by Act of Congress, approved July 1, 1922, to be built across °dV°‘··*’·¤·81°·¤¤¤¤d· the Red River of the North on the boundary line between said States ° are hereby extended one and three years, respectively, from the date of approval hereof. Sec. 2. The right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby *m°¤dm°¤*· expressly reserve . Approved, March 4, 1925. CHAI?. 556.-An Act Making appropriations to supply deficiencies in certain iignig appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1925, and prior fiscal years, to provide supplemental appropriations for the fiscal years ending June 30, 1925, and June 30, 1926, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Oonpress assembled, That the follow- Am ygrfgm ing sums are appropriated, out o any money in the Treasury not ` otherwise appropriated, to supply deficiencies in certain appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1925, and prior fiscal years, to provide supplemental appropriations for the fiscal years ending June 30, 1925, and June 30, 1926, and for other purposes, namely: LEGISLATIVE ¥~¤¤*¤¤v•=- The appro riations for the fiscal year 1926 for com nsation of I¤°‘°”9d wm ¤==· the Vice Pregdent of the United States, the heads of tlif Executive iiiii>ii¤i?,1i1°:¤ixie§c!iiZ Departments who are members of the President’s Cabinet, Senators, ‘m,1I`,{}`2°,if°i§0*iY m°‘ Representatives in Congress, Delegates from Territories, and Resident Commissioners, shall be immediately available upon the approval of the Acts containing such appropriations. ssnarn S¤¤¤¢•- To pay to Edward D. Brandegee, Martina E. Brandegee, Clarence PFii·¤:»i»Qsi$'3iid°°°' B. Wood and John Brandegee Wood, next of kin and sole survivin heirs-at-law of Honorable Frank B. Brandegee, late a Senator fiom the State of Connecticut, $7,500. To enable the Secretary of the Senate to pay from the appropria- CuN,{g*cg¤*¤¢ W- M¤· tion for clerical assistance to Senators for the fiscal year 1925, to sa-mis. Margaret XV. McCulloch for services rendered as additional clerk to Honorable Rice W. Means, a Senator from the State of Colorado, from December 11, 1924, to December 31, 1924, both dates inclusive, at the rate of $1,520 per annum. _ To pay Alexander K. Meek for extra and expert services ren- K· M°°"· dered to the Committee on Pensions during the second session of the Sixty-eighth Congress as an assistant clerk to said committee, by detail from the Bureau of Pensions, $1,200. _ For payment, in monthly mstallments, for serv1ces rendered the ,,,f,§,§,'{,°°E?;,§j’°d Senate, fiscal year 1925, as follows: Agnes E. Locke, $630.50; and Joseph E. Johnson, $494; in all, $1,124.50. _ _ _ For payment, in monthly installments, for services rendered the m,§},*{};'§‘g_L· W*‘“”" Senate, fiscal year 1926, as follows: William L. Walling, $330; Paul Bachschmid, $410; Lewis A. Nalls, $280; Harry Walling, $410; James W. McGinn. $410; Richard Blunt, $130; in all, $1,940. _ _ For messenger to the Committee on Foreign Relations, at the rate C_}"¤§',§,§*§{;,_R°’“"°°S of $1,260 per annum, from March 4, 1925, to June 30, 1926, both Mmm. dates inclusive, $1,673.