SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 556. 1925. 1317 UNITED STATES MECKLENBURG SESQUICENTENNIAL ,1;*{¤n¤§{<;¤¤¤rgS¤¤¤¤¤- COMMISSION °° ° · There is established a commission, to be known as the United bC,‘{nmm‘“"‘;',;[{°' °°‘* States Mecklenburg Sesquicentennial Commission, to be composed r?1¤¤iié¢gid¤¤.` of eleven commissioners, as follows: Three persons to be appointed A"”'p'm7‘ by the President of the United States, four Senators by the President of the Senate, and four Members of the House of Representatives to be appointed by the Slpeaker. The commission shall serve without compensation and shal select a chairman from among their number. There is hereby appropriated the sum of $5,000 to be expended by ,E¤v¤¤·*=¤¤ ¤f<¤>¤=¤i¤- the commission for actual and necessary traveling expenses and sub- Mm sistence while discharging its official duties outside the District of Columbia. There is hereby also appropriated the sum of $10,000 to ,,,£§T,i§R"°“ m °h° be utilized in the discretion of the commission for the appropriate participation on the part of the United States in the celebration and observance at the city of Charlotte, count of Mecklenburg, North Carolina, on the 18th, 19th, 20th, 21st, and 22d days of May, 1925, of the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the patriotic action of the citizens of Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, in May, 1775, m declaring their independence of the English Crown. UNITED STATES BUNKER HILL SESQUIOENTENNIAL c6§g;:§g;,Hm $****1***- COMMISSION ` For actual and necessary traveling and subsistence expenses of S,£*¤°¤’·” °‘°°¤*¤**¤· members of the United States Bunker Hill Sesquicentennial Com- 4§¤ugm».1q¤¤. mission in the discharge of their duties outside of the District of ,,,;1;b,,u§Y‘°" in "’° Columbia, $5,000, and for expenses incident to the appropriate celebration and observation of the one hundred and iiftieth anniversary of the Battle of Bunker Hill, $10,000; in all, fiscal years 1925 and 1926, $15,000, said sum to be expended in the discretion of the commission named herein. ' UNITED STATES VETERANS’ BUREAU "°*•¤¤°'B¤·’¤¤¤· The appropriation of $3,850,000, and the authority to incur obli- ,M·'{,*}g;Q°m!' **°¤P**=** gations in addition thereto for $3,000,000, for additional hospital immirvpénmuu, and out-patient dispensary facilities for patients of the United """*"‘°°" States Veterans’ Bureau, contained in the ‘ Second Deficiency Act, fiscal year 1924," are extended until Jime 30, 1926. _ P _ Damage claims: To pay claims for damages to or losses of pri- d,,m§,§,§,“,'{,{’¤§§”°'°’ vately owned property adjusted and determmed by the United _ States Veterans’ Bureau under the provisions of the Act approved ‘°*·*2·P~ **6- December 28, 1922 (F orty-second Statutes, page 1066); as fully set forth in House Document Numbered 636, Sixty-eig th Congress, $558.7 5. . To pay Edith W. Peacock, treasurer of the Peacock Military Col- cgii};?ck Mmmy lege (Incorporated), the sum of $12,000 in full and final settlement m*;*;§},'°,{‘jr;‘g,f§§‘;i§!‘§ of any and all claims which the said Edith W. Peacock and/or_the my- said Peacock Military College has, or may have, against the United States, and of any and all claims which the United States has, or ma * have, against the said Edith W. Peacock and/or the said Peacock Military College arising from, growing out of, or in any way connected with the use and occupation by the United States, in connection with the operation of a vocational training school at or_ near San Antonio, Texas, of any and all lands, improvements, furniture, equipment, paraphernalia, or facilities owned or controlled by the _ said Edith IV. Peacock or the said Peacock Military College; Pro- M Bu Chim vided, That before any sum is paid hereunder the said Edith IV. mqmmi. Peacock and the said Peacock Military College (Incorporated) shall