Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/1357

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1326 SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 556. 1925. Bfggzicai S¤¤’f¤Y BUnmAU or BIOLOGICAL smzvnv ‘ §¤i¤¢w;;g0g1§§gH_ The amount, $85,095, included in the Agricultural Appropriation ablellId;0ex;ecutingA1as- Act for the fiscal year 1926, for investigations, experiments, and k“_,[‘,‘§§‘°,}j"g'§,_ demonstrations for the welfare, improvement, and increase of the _ , _ _ reindeer industry in Alaska and for the enforcement of section R S mms P 343 1956 of the Revised Statutes; as amended, so far as it relates to the protection of land fur-bearing animals in Alaska, is hereby made available to the Secretary of Agriculture during the fiscal year ,,,,,,1, 739_ 1926 to carry out the provisions of the Alaska game law, approved January 13, 1925. Dau-ymgnumu. BUREAU or nnnzrmo Bc1tsviHe,Md. Not to exceed $13,100 of the appropriations for the Department ,,,§,l‘,{§l}§,`°m°,{t{“° “d' of Agriculture for the fiscal year 1925 made available for the Bureau ·*”‘¢·¤¤·“"··*3°· of Dairying of that department by the Act entitled "An Act to establish a dairy bureau in the Department of Agriculture, and for other purposes, ’ approved May 29, 1924 (Forty-third Statutes at Large, page 243), may be used_for the purchase of a tract of land at Beltsville, Maryland, consipting of one hlpndred and tweiity-nine acres more or ess immediate y a joining the experimental arm of grwfw. _ b the Department ol Agriculture: Provided, 'I`hat of this amount not

m$£.,°§r mm me more than $200 may e used for reimbursement to the grantor for

any and all losses sustained and expenses incurred by him under his lease with the United States, dated May 29, 1922. Misvelkmeoris. MISCELLANEOUS rmms §;>H¤ddgMd.¢¥;k1¤ticld Field station, Woodward, Oklahoma: Not to exceed $4,500 of St,§¥¢,_ g;57° the approppiagzign of §12,gO0 fop the] lXoodward, Oklgioma, field ·P· · station inc u e in the gricu tura ppropriation ct for the fiscal year 1925, is hereby made available for the erection of a herdsman’s cottagedtg cost not to exceed $2,000 and a barn or hams to cost not to excee 2 500. Coconutscale. _ Coconut scale: The appropriation of $8,000 to enable the Secretary G§{§§"’*“°*· °‘°·· ‘° of Agriculture to lprovide means for the control and eradication -·1¤¤¢.r>-681 of the coconut sca e on the island of Guam, to remain available until June 30, 1925, included in the Second Deficiency Act, fiscal year 1924, approved December 5, 1924, shall remain available until une 30 1926. Mggaglggrewv a%)ia.niage céagms: 'léo pgy gzzgms $03 damages} tp (;Ii1l0]§€S eg pri; ’0.42,p.1066. v e y owne roper y a gu e an e ermme y e epa men of Agriculture, under the provisions of the Act entitled “An Act ‘ tg péovide a metl;odh for thedsgttlement of claims arising against t e overnment 0 the Unite tates in sums not exceedin 1.000 in any one case," approved December 28, 1922, as fully sgi; forth Federal Highway in House Document Numbered 596, _Sixty-eighth Congress, $516.95. Ac, Forest roads and trails: For carrying out the provisions of section tr;,s¤{°$¤ meds wd 23 of the Federal Highway Act approved November 9, 1921, the _ Secretary of Agriculture is hereby authorized, immediately upon the m;})¤¤¤Q;g¤g¤L;g;§€;($é· approval of this Act, to apportion and rorate among the several . ¤z . . P . . , m€;§?s;g.pp 218,660 States, Alaska, and Porto Rico, as provided in section 23 of said ‘ " ‘ ‘ Federal Highway Act, the_sum of $7,500,000 constituting the amount U 839 gigithprized go Olée lappropriated fpr lforest roads and trails for the -"*{P· · ca year 9.. y section 2 0 the Act approved February 12, fglggea, 0, mm 1925: Provided, That the Secretary_of Agriculture may incur oblii

;¤¤ma gations, approve pro]_ects, or enter into contracts under his appor-

‘ tionment and prorating of this authorization. and his action in so doing shall be deemed a contractual obligation of the Federal Government for the payment of the cost thereof.