SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 556. 1925. 1331 Orland, California, Project: For continued investigations, pur- °"°°d·C““‘· chase of rights of way, and incidental operations, $50,000, to be paid out 0; the “ reclamation fund " and to remain available until June 30, 1 26. Yuma Auxiliary Project, Arizona: For operation and maintenance M”·· °°*‘ and completion o the irrigation system required to furnish water to ` all of the irrigable lands in part one of the Mesa division, otherwise known as the rst Mesa unit of the Yuma auxiliary project, Arizona, §'j,';,°',§",Q,§°““ “"*‘· in accordance with the provisions of the Act entitled "A.u Act to ` ' authorize the appropriation of certain amounts for the Yuma irrigation project, Arizona, and for other purposes," approved February 21, 1925, $200,000, to be paid out of the ‘reclamation fund," to re- _ main available during the fiscal year 1926, and to include the general objects of expenditure enumerated in the second paragraph p,§,§d*'°°‘°°“*° P°W°' under the caption “Bureau of Reclamation," contained in the In- A¤£¢,p.4i6. terior Department Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1925. BUREAU or Mums Mlm B‘“°°“· For the purchase and installation of electric furnace equipment, ,_q§,g>,;;,jQ° ‘“'¤°°° fiscal year 1925, $15,000. ` To pay David Lupt0n’s Sons Company for installation of venti- Dsjid L¤p¢¤¤’s lators at Bureau of Mines fuel-testing laboratory, Pittsburgh, Penn- Sm "°m‘°°”y‘ sylvania, the balance due under contract dated June 24, 1924, $259. The funds included in the War and Navy Departments Appropri— Heliuxgs pr¤<1¤;<>·io¤, ation Acts for the production or purchase of helium for the fiscal °°°,Z,§,°f”pp,t§$7“§§,r•§l°d' year ending June 30, 1926, in suc amounts as may be determined by the President, not to exceed a total of $1,000,000, shall be transferred on the books of the Treasury for expenditure by the Bureau of Mines for like purposes. Nazrroiun Plums N°“°¤°l mh- The appropriations of $13,000 and $26,171 for rep)airing damage R,§,§,‘;';§,0*,},§§’;,*j,f °“** caused by flood washouts to roads, river revetment, ridges, retain- a Regpppragggndagr ing walls, and culverts in Mount Rmmer and Rocky Mountain Na- ulriglln °r ` tional Parks. respectively, contained in the second Deficiency Act, *‘""°·p·°“°· fiscal year 1924, are hereby reappropriated and made available for the fiscal ear 1925. _ , To enagle the Secretary of the IIlt6l'101‘ to carry out the provi- ,,,;Q,*’{,’§,l§‘,§*:Q,‘}‘;_ M°‘“" sions of the Act entitled "An Act for the securilné of lands in s,£¤i§;¤¤¤¤ ¤¤¤·>¤¤¤i¤- the southern Appalachian Mountains and in the inmoth Cave .4}»u,i>.ss¤. regions of Kentucky for perpetual preservation as national parks," approved February 21, 1925, including personal services in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, traveling expenses of members and employees of the commission, printing and binding, and other necessary incidental expenses, $20,000, to remam available during the fiscal year 1926. Govnnxmnxwr xr: run Tnmzrronms T§',2§§,,"§’°"” “‘ "‘° Tnnmronr or ALASKA! For care and custody of persons legally §§‘f§°,§‘;,,,,,,,,_ adjudged insane in Alaska, including transportation and_other ex- Promo pcnses, fiscal year 1925, $3,524: Provuled, That authority 1S. granted 1,,,,,,,;,, ,0 Sm, to the Secretary of the Interior to pay from this appropriation to *¤¤¤¤¤ €¤¤¤1>¤¤>’· the Sanitarium Company, of Portland, Oregon, for the care and maintenance of Alaskan insane patients, not to exceed $624 per capita per annum, from January 15, 1925, to and including June 30, 1925.