1352 SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 556. 1925. For enforcement of Narcotic and National Prohibition Acts, Internal Revenue, $13. For Coast Guard, $293.80. For materials and miscellaneous expenses, Bureau of Engraving and Printing, $6,080.12. For pay o personnel and maintenance of hospitals, Public Health Service, $823.92. For medical and hospital services, Public Health Service, $119.70. For repairs and preservation of public buildings, $164. For pay of assistant custodians and janitors, $129.50. For operating force forfpublic buildings, $145.24. For operating supplies or public buildings, $6. - WAR DEPARTMENT WM D°1>¤¤¤¤¤¤*· For registration and selection for military service, $4. For increase of compensation, War Department, 77 cents. For pay, and so forth, of the Army, $21,691.19. For arrears of pa , bount , and so forth, $3.54. For pay, and so girth, ofy the Army, War with Spain, $25. For increase of compensation, Military Establishment, $8,714.36. For mileage to officers and contract surgeons, $307.01. For subsistence of the Army $25. For clothing and equipage, $7.47. For Army transportation, $747.21. For general appropriations, Quartermaster Corps, $3,37 7 .7 3. For supplies, services, and tra _ rtation, $10,488.10. For signal service of the Army, $00.66. For Ordnance Service, $764.48. For ordnance stores and supplies, $72.56. For armament of fortifications, $1,864.18. For arming, equipping, and training the National Guard, $126.17. POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT—POSTAL SERVICE Pest Office Dorm- For city delivery carriers, $96.87. m°°i°‘ For clerks, thir -class post offices, $180. For compensation topostmasters, $7.92. For rent, light, and fuel, $37. —*~¤<¤¤¤¤¤1» t¤ mw ota au i c aims, sec ion , , . er wit Such got lmbjcdetgcdtvicg, $14·59t $93 954 71 to h h i i°”t°” °f°x' additioiial sum, due to increases in rates of exclgiige, as may be necessary to pay claims in the foreign currency as specined in certain of the oertidcates of settlement of the_General Accountin Office. ggngggaw- Sno, 4. For the payment of the claim certined to be cgie by the ' General Accounting Olnce under the appropriation “Aviation, Navy, 1922 " (the alance_0f which has been carried to the sur- V¤1-18»i>·¤<>- plus fund under the provisions of section 5 of the Act of June 20, V¤1.23.p-254- 1874), certified to Congress under section 2 of the Act of July 7, 1884, as fully set forth in House Document Numbered 641, Sixty- eighth Congress, fiscal year 1922, $187,000. A¤di*sd <=*¤—*m5· AUDITED CLAIMS u0§rgj¤¤¤¢ of ¤d<¤· Sec. 5. That for the payment of the followin claims certined to be due by the General Accounting Office undeig appropriations the balances of which have been exhausted or carried to the surplus V°*·*8· 1*-11**- fund under the provisions of section 5 of the Act of June 20, 1874,