Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/14

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xvi LIST OF PUBLIC ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS. Pam Custer Park Game Sanctua . An Act To amend an Act creating the Custer State Park Game Sanctuary in the State of South Dakota. June 7, 1924 ...-..-. 632 Interstate Commerce suits. An Act To amend paragraph (3), section 16, of the Interstate C<>mmer<=¤ Act- June 7 , 1924 ----- _ -------- , ..-----...---.-...-.-.--- , -... 6 33 Game refuge, S. Dak. An Act To authorize the withdrawal of lands for the protection of antelo and other game animals and birds- June 7. 1924 , . , 634 War Minera£€Act claims. An Act To authorize the payment of claims under the prov1- sions of the so-called War Minerals Relief Act. _June 7, 1924 1 634 Indian Service employees. Act To provide for quarters, fuel, and light for employees of the Indian field service. June 7, 1924 .. -._ . _ .. 634 American Academy at Rome. An Act Relating to the American Academy lll Rome. June 635 7 1924 ... - ...--..----..-·--- - ------- y ~-----—- - --—---———·—- Lighthmlse lands, unused. An Act Authorizing transfer of certain abandoned or unused lighthouse reservation lands by the United States to the State of New York for kpurposes. June 7, 1924 . ---._ ... _ , -1 ... 7-- 635 Pueblogzian land grants, N. Mez. An Act To quiet the t1t1e to lands withm Pueblo Indian land grants, and for other purposes. _ June 7, 1924 .--...-.-.-- _ .-.---.. _ --t-,- 636 New Mexico judicial district. An Act Designating the State of New Mesico as a )ud1c1a1 district, fixing the time and place for holding terms of court therem, and for other purposes. June 7, 1924 .----.-.----. _.: -...- n .-.. T .-.---.--.--- _ --- 642 Carson Natzonal Forest, N. Mez. An Act Providing for the aoqmrement by the United States of privately owned lands within Rio Arriba and Taos Counties, New Mexico, known as the Las Trampas grant, by exchanging therefor tlmbéf within the exterior boundaries of any national forest situated within the State of New Mexico. June 643 7 1924 ..--..-..-.- - .--...---.-.-.-.---.-.-..----...-.-.-.--..- Public lands, Phoenix, Ariz. An Act Granting certain public lands to the city of Phoenix, Arizona, for municipal, gk, and other purposes. June 7, 1924 .---.-...- 643 Stockbridge Indians, claims. Act Conferring jurisdiction upon the Court of Claims to hear, examine, adjudicate, and enter judgment in any claims which the Stockbridge Indians may have against the United States, and for other urposes. June 7, 1924- 644 Bridge, White River. An Act To authorize the Choctaw,{oma and Gulf Railway Company and the Chicago, Rock Island and Paciiic Railway Company to construct aglgiidge across the White River, near the city of De Valle Bluff, Arkansas. June 7, 645 Chicago River, Ill. An Act For the abandonment of a. portion of the present channel of the south branch of the Chicago River. June 7 1924 ..____._____,______ 646 Bridge, Pearl River. An Act Granting the consent of Congress to the Board of Supervisors of Hinds County, Mississippi, to construct a bridge across the Pearl River in the State of Mississippi. June 7, 1924 ___,,.._.____.____,.,,...____,____.___,...__ 646 Virginia battle fields. An Act To provide for the inspection of the battle fields in and aroumd Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania Court House, Virginia. June 7, 1924 _________ -___ 646 Distrid of Columbia, height of buildings. An Act To amend an Act regulating the height of buildings in the District of Columbia, approved June 1, 1910. June 7, 1924 647 Trade marks, portraits. An Act To amend section 5 of the Trade Mark Act of 1905, as amended relative to the unauthorized use of portraits, June 7, 1924 ______________ 647 Bridge, Peedee Itiver. An Act Granting the consent of Congress to the counties of Marion and Florence, in the State of South Carolina, to construct a bridge across the Peedee River at or near Savage Landing, South Carolina. June 7, 1924 ________________ __ 647 Bridge, Cumberland River. An Act to grant the consent of Congress to the Cincinnati, New Orleans, and Texas Pacific Railway Company to construct, maintain, and operate a bridge across the Cumberland River, in the county of Pulaski, State of Kentucky, near the town of Burnside. June 7, 1924 _______________,,___________________ __ 648 Right of way, Fort Logan reservation, Colo. An Act Granting the consent of Congress to the construction, maintenance and operation by the Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad Company, its successors and assigns, of a line of railroad across the southyesgeglylgggtion of the Fort Iogan Military Reservation in the State of Colorado. un , .,.____,__, _ ___________ _ _________ __ ____________ _ Northern Pacijic Halibut Act. An Act For the protection of the northern Pacific halibut 648 v °i}""’° · J`*“iz?’ 19%l?·fé:L ‘‘‘‘ i ‘‘‘‘‘ AH ‘A‘;‘·r ‘‘‘‘ 5155;;;*; ··················· 6*8 pper zeszsmppz wer, , ., re c oesa h ‘ ‘ ‘ ° River Wild Life and Fish R,efugg?lg?’]une 7, 1924 ______________ _M‘B8lBmppl 650 Postal Service, third class mail indemnity, etc. An Act To extend the insurance a{¤E1`é61ié6tZ on·delivery service to third-class mail, and for other purposes. June 7 1924 652 Forest Protection, etc. An Act To provide for the protection of forest lands ,for the refer: estation of rdienuéioed areasiefea the eaztension of national forests, and ’fO1’ other pur- P0$€S, 111 0 er romo e con inuous rod ti ' K h fuimgif aertm RX; 7A1924 _ `.. F’.--}‘f’..‘i'I.‘fl T““'°°' °“ '“""° °'“°”" 653 etc {jan, asu, n s. et To amend an Act entitled "An-X`---N--_":-__" incorporated town of Ketchikan, Alaska, to issue its bonds in an;;:31?1‘;¥:ht2>m:§c;eh§ $100,000 for the purpose of constructing a schoolhouse in said town and equipping the _ s3_me," approved February 7, 1929, June 7, 1924 _______________________________ 656 Rgght ¢;§DWay, Port MacArthur Reservation, Cahf. An Act To authorize the city of Los geles, in the State of Q8l.\fo1'Dl$, to construct and operate a line of railroad across the Fort MacArthur Mihtary Reservation, in the State of Califomia. June 7, 1924- 656