mv INDEX. Armaries (see Arsenals, Army). Y¤8°· Army—C0ntinued. P¤8¤· Arms and Armament, Army, additional personnel forbidden 482 appropriation for gauges, etc., for man- pay to retired officer forbidden ufacture ____,___... 499, 914 who sells supplies, etc., to Arms, etc., Army, Army ... - - - - 482 appropriation for manufacture of 498, 913 pay forbidden to retired officer deficiency appropriation for manu- employed by parties selling, facture ________,.,.. 62, 762 etc., to Army or Department--- 482 .4 rmy (see also War Department), appropriation for mileage, etc .. 482, 897 appropriation for all contingencies of, for clerks, etc., Finance Department under the Secretary of War- - 479, 893 .. 482, 897 civilemployeesonsalesofwarsup· auditing World War contracts-- 483, 897 plies, adjusting contracts, etc- 479, 893 personal services in Department- 483, 897 restriction on transfers of small for paying claims for damages to quantities of surplus property- 479, 893 private property; mode of setamount for advertising limited 479 tlcment 483, 897 restriction on payments to auc- for paying claims for destruction, tioneers _____,. - .. 479 etc., of personal property of for General Staff Corps, Military 0Hicers, etc., in the service--- 483, 898 Intelligence Division 479, 894 for Quartermaster Corps . 483, 898 military attaches abroad; ob- for subsistence supplies for issue-- 483, 898 serving operations of foreign salestooflicers, enlisted men,etc- 483, 898 armies ---.-----..-..-..--.. 479, 894 _ meals to competitors in the national for contingencies, headquarters of ride match -.-.. 483, 898 departments, etc ..-.--..-... 480, 894 for payments; commutation of for Army War College .-.-... 480, 894 rations --.-..-. 483, 898 forCom1nandandGenera1Stafl’ School, prices at sales commissarim to in- Fort Leavenworth, Kans ., --- 480, 895 clude overhead costs -.-..- 484 forpost exchanges --...---..-... 480, 895 services and supplies from public libraries, hostess houses, etc---- 480, 895 utilities to include overhead pay of o§cers -...--.---..-.-... 481, 895 costs ..-..-.---...--. 484 no commissioned Army, Navy, or for regular xiuartermaster supplies- 484, 899 Marine Corps officer deprived of heat and ight to quarters -.-... 484, 899 pay while on duty in coordina- post bakeries; ice machines; launtion of Government business--- 895 dries, etc --.-.---.---.-- ---- 484, 899 for National Guard officers ..--.-. 481, 896 forage, etc., for animals -..- 485, 899 for warrant 0iHcers ...-.. - ... 481, 896 sale of electric current from Camp for aviation increase, officers ----- 481, 896 John Hay, Philippines, to Bafor longevity officers -..-.--..-.- 481, 896 guio, approved -------..----.- 485 time at Military or Naval Acad- for clothing and uipage -...-... 485, 900 emy after August 24, 1912, not indemnity forezllestroyed clothingcounted ...-. - -.-.-...-. 481, 896 --.------_._----..---- 485, 900 foipay of enlisted men . - 481, 896 for incidental expenses ----..-.- -- 485, 900 larcncc J. Vaughan - ... 481 for trans rtation- .----..---.-.. 486, 900 number provid for ---. - -.--- 481, 896 depencigats of officers and enlisted minors enlisting after July 1, 1925, men, ete ----------.-...-- 901 without consent of parent, etc., boats, vehicles, draft animals, etcmay be discharged --.--..-...- 896 -.------..-----,,--------- 486, 901 for National Guard enlisted men-- 481, 896 travel allowances on discharge-- 486, 901 for aviation increase, enlisted men; pa ments to land grant railroads; limitation ----..-.-..-.-...- 481, 896 limitation .--------..--------- 486 for Philippine Scouts --.. 481, 896 motor vehicle mstrlction .---.-- 486, 901 for longevity pay, enlisted men--- 481, 896 purchase of motor vehicles refor psy of retired officers ..-.-. - 481, 896 stricted .-..------.---- - -.-- 487, 901 for retired oflieers on active duty-- 481, 896 for purchase of horses; limitation- 487, 901 for retired enlisted men -.-..- 481, 896 breeding of riding horses ------. 487, 901 for retired enlisted men on active acceptance of onated breeding duty --.----.---... - ..-..-. 481, 896 animals, etc ---------------- 487, 901 for retired pay clerks . - .. 481, 896 for military posts, constructiometc- 487, 902 for retired veterinarians- -.-.-.-.- 481, 896 Fort Sill, Okla __-_______________ 487 for Held clerks and messengers, at Fort Benning, Ga, ______________ 487 headquarters of territorial de- comprehensive plan to be subpartments, areas, etc -.-- 481, 896 mxtted for necessary conassignment to Department duty struction, etc.; funds for . -- 487 forbidden .. 482, 896 sale of Fort Porta]-, N, Y ________ 902 for contract surgeons; nurses; hos- Hawaiian Islands _____________ 488, 902 pital matrons- .. 482, 896 Panama Cana} ______ _ _________ 488, 902 for courts martial, etc., expenses-- 482, 896 for barracks and quarters, construcfor rental allowances 482, 897 tion, repairs, etc 488, 903 for subsistence allowances ... - 482, 897 rental of garages, offices, etc., for for interest on soldiers’ deposits--- 482, 897 militar{ attachés- .. - 488, 903 for inns by exchange .-.·.. - ..-..- 482, 897 repairs, n d Fort Ontario. N- Y--- 903 for officers furm.shing_m0unts. 482, 897 additional land Fort Reno, Okla-- - 903 accounting; and disbursement as for barracks and quarters Philipnay of c Army ..--- - ----·-.. 482 pine Islands; rentals in Chinn- 488. 903