110 SIXTY·EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 131-133. 1924.
- ’°*‘¤°¤°'. P*°P¤">’ d Noth' in this Act shall be construed as aifectin the appliiéiiwiili wmdu mt M- catiioii to moli1•§· vehicles of the personal roperty tax in gorce at the
v°1"‘2’p‘°°8“ time of the enactment of this Act, wdlich personal property tax shall continue to be levied, assessed, and collected on motor vehicles. t,R¤¤*:lc¤*i°;*S·bBW¤;•;j Sec. 18. That the Commissioners may make such regulations as $l>¤l1." ° P in their judgment are necessary for the administration of this Act and may affix thereto such fines and penalties as in their judgment are necessary to enforce such regulations (in cases in which a penalty is not otherwise provided by law). Approved, April 23, 1924. [S?§ll?i.6eblg5§l{l CHAP. 132.—Joint Resolution For the relief of the drought-stricken farm
areas of New Mexico.
. Resolved b the Senate and H ause 0 Re resentatives 0 the U nited nii$;iliii.$`i°S°ii(i•iihf States of Avizerica in Oongrese asseviitbleid, That the Secretary of f,,}"}‘,'f,“,§`§s{,°'§,'}°’§.,.lE; Agriculture is hereby authorized, for the spring and fall (planting ¤*¤· of 1924, to make advances or loans to farmers in the roughtstricken areas of New Mexico, where he shall End that special need exists for such assistance, for the purchase of seed and feed for actual farming purposes, not including the purchase of equipment, as he may find need for the cultivation of farm lands within the said ,,,,f,,°{‘“‘ ‘“‘° °°°°i' State, not to exceed in any instance the sum of $6 per acre. Such . advances or loans shall be made u on such terms and conditions and _ sub`ect to such regulations as the Secretary of Agriculture shall preagp? Siidmdx§°§?;i¤% scribe, including an agreement by each farmer to use the money Bw *l¤¤¤¤· obtained by him for the production of such crops as the Secretary of Agriculture mg desigitixte and to give a vali lien on the growing crops to be pr uced m money obtained through such loan or advance in manner and form as required by the laws of New Mexico, which said lien, when recorded, shall have priority in payment over _ all other liens or encumbrances of whatsoever kind on such crops. ,,§;}°¥,§,,,‘},,°‘l“,E°d ”“m` A iirst lien on the crop to be produced from money obtained through this loan or advance made under this Act shall, in the discretion of _ the Secretary of Agriculture, be deemed sufficient security therefor. ¤ag$·¤·=i¤S*°b° d°¤¤· All such loans or advances shall be made through such agencies as ` . the Secretary of Agriculture shall designate, and in no instance shall ,dYs° °"“°d° '°°°”°t' any ortion of funds obtained through the administration of this Act be used for the payment of obligations other than those incurred under the regu ations as provided by the Secretary of Agriculture in the gsllministration an in accordance with the provisions herein contain .
- ·¤¤¤*¤*"°**°°· Sec. 2. That for the purposes of this Act there is hereby appro.
priated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of $1,000,000, to be immediately available, and not more than $10,000 may be used in the District of Columbia by the _hm t M me Secretary of Agriculture in the administration of this Act, m;i?S1`e°S¤S¢i$i¤S,S¢c. Sec. 3. That any person who shall knowingly make any false representation for_ the purpose of obtaining a loan or advance under the foregoing section ugion conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not exceeding 1,000 or by imprisonment not exceeding six months, or both. Approved, April 26, 1924. [riliiiliicekliiiiil CHAP. 133.—Joint Resolution Making an additional appropriation for the (Pub. Res., No. 14-1 Department of Agriculture for the fiscal years 1924 and 1925. _ Resolved by tlee Senate and H ouse of Representatives of the United m1Qgm¤Mm¤¤¢ M Aw- States of A_memea en Congress assembled, That the sum of $1,500,000 ` is appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise