114 SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHs. 144-146. 1924. Arid! 30.19% CHAP. 144.-Au Act To fix the_ time for the terms of the United States
District Courts in the Western District of Virginia.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Regoresentatioes of the d1gali¤¤§d;·;gri_g;¤¤¢e¤i¤· United States of America in Congress assemble , That the terms of Tm, ,,,,5,,,, ¤,,,d_ the United States District Court for the Western District of Virginia °dV¤*·4¤·P·6°5·¤m°¤d· shall be held at Lynchburg on the first M0Dd3{11H January and J ulg; ' at Charlottesville on the first Monday in ebruary, and on the Wednesda after the first Monday in August; at Danville on the first Mondiiy in March, and the second Monday in September; at Harrisonburg on the third Monday in March, and the fourth Monday in October; at Abin don on the second Monday in April and November; at Big Stone (gap on the first Monday in Ms? and October; at Roanoke on the first Monday in June, and the ourth Monday in November. Approved, April 30, 1924. iéiiiliiioéiliiéll CHAP. 1 45 .—Joint Resolution Authorizing the Secretary of War to loan certain
tents, cots, and chairs to the executive committee of the United Confederate
Veterans for use at the thirty-fourth annual reunion to be held at Memphis, Tennessee, in June, 1924. _ Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives og the `m °°”‘°d°"“°° United States of America in Congress assembled, That the ecre- , 1·¤¤¤=.g{_*g_=;¤i;;;i; tary of War be, and IS herebp, authorized to loan, at his discretion,
- i)1iis%n. to the executive committee o the United Confederate Veterans, for
use in connection with the thirt -fourth annual reunion of the United Confederate Veterans, to be helil in Memphis, Tennessee, June 4 to 6, 1924, such tents, with necessary poles, ridges and pins, cots, blankets, pillows, chairs or cam stools, and so forth, as may be required at §[,°Q“x,2‘é;,,,_,,c_ said reunion: Pro·vzded' , That no expense shall be caused the United States Government by the delivery and return of said property, the same to be delivered to said committee designated at such time prior to the holding of said convention as may be agreed upon by the Secretary of War and Thornton Newsum, chairman of said executive B<>¤dr¤¤¤i¤>d· committee: And provided further, That the Secretary of War shall, before delivering such property, take from said Thornton Newsum a good and sufficient bond for the safe return of said property in good order and condition, and the whole without expense to the United States. Approved, April 30, 1924. L{§YQgg?*' CHAP. 146.-—An Act To amend section 3 of an Act entitled "An Act to
incorporate the National McKinley Birthplace Memorial Association," approved
March 4, 19ll._ _ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re resentatices of the M’(Q’f,§§{§{°f,§*,§‘,{‘j,*{}‘},§’,'f United States o{ America in Congress assemblbd, That section 3 N¤¤•>¤¤r of the Act entitled "An Act to incorporate the National McKinley m,§Q‘}};,,d’f6· *’· *3**** Birthplace Memorial Association," approved March 4, 1911, be amended to read as follows: B°°"°°"“"’°°’· “Sec. 3. That the management and direction of the affairs of the corporation and the control and disposition of its property and funds shall be vested in a board of trustees, five in number, to be composed of the individuals named in section 1 of this Act, who shall constitute the first board of trustees. Vacancies caused by death, resignation, or otherwise, shall be filled by the remaining trustees in such manner as shall be prescribed from time to time by the by-laws of the corporation. __The persons so elected shall there-