lmmv INDEX. Fifteenth Street NW., D. C., P*’·8°· Fire Department, D. C., P¤8¤· appropriation for paving, Varnum to appropriation for relief fund allowances, · Webster Street ...,... 547 etc ... 560, 1236 for asphalt covering, Euclid to Irving . deductions from salaries increased- 560 Strects· from ga.s0linc—ta.x fund- 1225 for salaries, officers, etc . 561, 1236 Fifteenth Street »§E., D. C., for personal services ... 1236 appropriation for paving, B to E Street; for repairs to houses, apparatus, etc- 1236 ' from gasoline-tax fund . 549 for improvements, ctc., engine house Fifth Street NE., D. C., N0. 16; former appropriations appropriation for paving, T to W Streets- 548 available - 561 Films, Photographic, construction at repair shop 561, 1236 excise tax on, other than moving-picture for repairs, etc., to fire boat .. 561, 1236 and X-ray, sold by producer- - - 323 for supplies --.- - ---.--.----.-- 561, 1236 Finance Department, Army, for contingent expenses .-----.-. 561, 1236 appropriation for pay of the Army-- 481, 895 for new apparatus, etc ..-.-.---- 561, 1236 for clerks, ctc .---..-- - ------.--. 482, 897 for house, ctc., for truck company in amount for auditing World War northeast section ucar 12th and contracts -.----.-------..-. 483, 897 H Streets .--..--...-.-.-- 561 allowance for personal services in for house, ctc., for engine company on Department -----------..-.. 483, 897 Conduit Road --.-..--...- 561 for civilian personnel in Department deficiency appropriation for increase of Office -.-..-...---.-------.- 483, 898 compensation .-..-..--...- 676 for pay of the Army, additional, 1925- 711 additional force --..---.-- 676 for Hnauce service, additional, 1925-- 711 for repairs to apparatus -.--.-----.- 676 for citizens’ military training camps, for contingent expenses .--.--.- 679 additional, 1925 ----...-----.- 711 basic salaries of chief engineer, deputy deficiency appropriation for pay, ctc., and battalion engineers --.. 175 of the Army ---. - .-.. 62, 701, 761 irc marshal, deputy, inspectors - 175 for temporary services, Officc of ---- 761 captains, licutenunts, sergcants .---.- 175 Chief of, to have rank, etc., of a major superintendent of machinery, assistgeneral .-----.-.-.---------.- 970 ants, pilots, marine engineers, Fine Arts, Commission of (see also Com- etc .-.-.- 175 missioner of Fine Arts), privatcs --.-.--...----... ---- 175 appropriation for expenses of ----.- 523, 1201 weekly day off in licu of Sundays ----.- 175 or printing and binding for ---.- 524, 1201 suspended during existing emergency 175 Finland, correction in pay fixed for battalion appropriation for minister to ..--.- 206, 1015 chief ciglginacr --------.--. 752 settlement of indebtedness of, made by Fira Island, N. ., Foreign Debt Commission, ap- abandoned lands of lighthouse reservaproved ----.---..--.------..- 20 tion on, transferred to New York amount of indebtedness stated .---.. 20 State for public park uses .----_ 635 bonds to be issued therefor --.-..-.- 20 Fire Resisting Qualities of Building Maprincipal payable in annual insta1l— terials, ments; progressive increase until appropriation for investigating, ctc. ; tire 62d year -...-...--..- 20 prevention agpliances .. 231, 1040 payment of additional amounts sl- Firearms, Shells, and cartridges, lowed --..--------.-- 20 excise tax on, sold by producer, ctc.; interest rate to 1932; thereafter--- 20 exceptions ----.----.---.- 323 for first five years half of interest First Assistant Postmaster General, may be deferred, and added to appropriation for, and omce personncl-84, 782 principal; bonds to be issued or field service, Post Office Departtherefor --.---. - --.----.---..- 20 ment, under .--...-.-...- 86, 784 payment in United States bonds for postmasters, assistants, ctc . 86, 784 accepted ...--.--...--.---.--- 20 for rent, light, and fuel .---.--. 86, 784 Finleyis Ferry, Ark., for village delivery --. 86, 784 bridge authorized across Current River for city delivery, ctc -. 86, 785 at ..------ - -.-..----..------- 26 for pneumatic tube service New [irc Control Installations, Army, York and Brooklyn, N. Y! .--.. 86, 785 appropriation for operating, etc., ses- for vehicle allowance -------..---- 86, 785 coast defenses .--...-- -- 491, 905 for travel and miscellaneous -.. 86, 785 for operating, etc., insular posses- First Corps Cadets Massachusetts, sions -.-.-..--..---.--. 491, 906 status of, in National Guard ..---.--, 471 for operating, etc., Panama Canal- 491, 906 First Judicial Circuit, for construction, etc., of , seacoast de- Court of Appeals for, to hold u sitting at fcnses ---.- - --.-.-..-.- 502, 917 San Juan, Porto Rico -.---- - - -- 729 for construction, etc., Hawaiian Fish Hatchery, Islands ------.-.--.-- - --... 502, 918 public lands granted to Oregon for for construction, etc., Panama Ca- operating s; reversion for nonnal- .., 503, 918 user . n 9 81 for maintenancé, additional, 1925--- 711 Fish Refuge, Upper Mississippi River for insular possessions, additional, Wild [rife and, 1925 --...-.----_-_-_,_-_--.- 711 appropriation for acquiring land, etc., for Panama Canal, additionnl, 1925- 711 for --..,---------,----------- 842 deficiency appropriation for ----- 59, 701, 762 for equipment, etc- -_,-____ _ _--,-.- _ 1047