SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 150, 151. 1924. 117 centum per annum, paid annually from the time said amount became In bu., t mk due to date of payment: Provided further, That the applicant for the pnyiimig ag., musg extension shall first show to the satisfaction of the Secretary of the b°Sh°w“‘ Interior detailed statement of his assets and liabilities and probable inability to make payment at the time required in section 1: P an 1 , _ And provided further, That in case the principal and interest herein anduinteiedt yiiiniiiiii provided for are not paid in the manner and at the time provided by h°""““°" this act, any penalty now provided by law shall thereupon attach from the date of such default: And provided further, That similar Emudcd ,,, groups relief in whole or in part may be extended by the Secretary of the °‘W¤*¢f we- Interior to a legally organized group of water users of a project, upon presentation o a sufficient number of individual showings made in accordance with the foregoing proviso to satisfy the Secretary of the Interior that such extension is necessary. Approved, May 9, 1924. ‘ s CHAP. 151.-An Act Authorizing the acquiring of Indian lands on the Fort B%Yg6d2?i4` Hall Indian Reservation, in Idaho, for reservoir purposes in connection with the Minidoka irrigation project. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the F rt . United States of America in Congress assembled, That subject to nesgwnagiilimliiillm payment being made as provided herein, there is hereby granted to q,,I,§?,"“,g}· the United States, its successors and assigns, for the proposed Ameri- };`1¤i}k;‘B¤s¤rz¤iri¤Min can Falls Reservoir on the Snake River under the Minidoka Federal °i=·».ifr{E’?i?T’pr°’°°°’ irrigation project, in Idaho, all right, title, and interest the Indians have to the tribal and allotted lands within that section of the Fort Hall Indian Reservation commonly referred to as the Fort Hall D_m,,p,,0¤_ Bottoms, which lands will be inundated by the impounding of one million seven hundred thousand acre—feet of water within said proposed reservoir, together with a five—foot freeboard the elevation of which shall be established, using as a basis the one million five hun—` dred thousand acre—foot contour line as shown in what is known as the Dyer-Dietz-Banks appraisal of Indian lands dated December 30, 1922, and on file in the Department of the Interior subject to the Rum 0,I¤d,m,0, reservation of an easement to the Fort Hall Indians to use the said mans. hunting. ac. lands for grazing, hunting, fishing, and gathering of wood, and so r°°°"°d‘ forth, the same way as obtained prior to this enactment, in so far as such uses shall not interfere with the use of said lands for reservoir purposes. Sec. 2. That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, d,’,§,§,‘§§{§,‘,§‘g§,,,‘}f,,,§§(‘§j authorized to acquire by agreement or condemnation proceedings the area of allotted lands described in section 1. . The value fixed by Avvreiw <>fv¤¤¤¤- agreement with the allottees, and in any case where it may become necessary to institute condemnation proceedings for such purpose, the value of the allotment or allotments involved as determined by such proceedings, shall be paid out of the sum deposited to the ,,,,%{§°,‘},°I,,f*,§’,',{‘,,,$“‘“ credit of the Fort Hall Indians as provided in section 3 hereof. Sec. 3. That in consideration of the rights granted in section 1 ,r0’;11mrg‘?'0;§,u*,Q,c‘j,°,]s‘§§u°L§ hereof, of both tribal and allotted lands, there shall be deppsited in the tion money angugggae Treasury of the United States to the credit of the Fort all Indians "°d°°°'°°"°f the tota sum of $700,000, which sum shall be taken from moneys ap- Pr . propriated for the construction of said reservoir: Provided, That mzieliginuowea. the said sum of $700,000, when so deposited, shall draw interest at the rate of 4 per centum per annum. . Sec. 4. Should any lands above the five—foot freeboard, as pro- ,0*;},’,¥],"§,_‘f;*‘,,{’,f,§‘,§,?f‘“‘°° vided in section 1, be damaged on account of the reservoir, the amount of the damage shall be determined by a board consisting of three members-two of which shall be appointed by the Secretary