SIXTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 157. 1924. 123 h) Any individual detailed for work on roads or other con- Wh*l° °¤ md w°*k· striiction or repair work—for the'period during which his pay $i$ii1:¤it;`mp;$ly°e%suilt° was equalized to conform to the compensation paid to civilian employees in the same or like employment, pursuant to the provisions V01_40’p_1m2_ of section 9 of the Act entitled “An Act making appropriations for the service of the Post Office Department for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1920, and for other purposes," approved February 28, 1919 · or (ii Any individual who was discharged or otherwise released ,,,§°§{S°"·"°1°”s°d"°“‘ from the draft—for the period of service terminating with such discharge or release. _ Sec. 203. (a) The periods referred to in subdivision (e) of section ,,§,,‘,§'§*"§‘§,'},’{‘},1Y,,,,,;"",,f,Q 202 may be included in the case of any individual if and to the ¤¤j’nz°i¤¤{*g¤d· extent that the Secretary of War and the Secretary of the Navy 'p` ` jointly find that such service subjected such individual to exceptiona hazard. A full statement of all action under this subdivision shall be included in the reports of the Secretary of War and the Secretary of the Navy required by section 307. AH exclusions 8 H_ (b) In computing the credit to any veteran under this title msi? in mmpdiiig effect shall be given to all subdivisions of section 202 which are °'°°"‘ applicable. _ _ (c) If part of the service is oversea service and part is home ,.,g,‘{g'§*§}‘§ 22,,22;% service, the home service shall first be used in computing the sixty ¤¤d¤¤¤·¤- ` days’ period referred to in section 201. _ _ (d) For the purpose of computing the sixty days’ period referred wsg°§,‘I‘,?°,,,°{}’,fQ,*{“°°d “’ to in section 201, any period of service after April 5, 1917, and _ before July 1, 1919, in the military or naval forces in any capaciiz may be included, notwithstandinil allowance of credit for suc period, or a part thereof, is pro 'bited under the provisions of E¤¤*¤=*°¤¤· section 202, except that the periods referred to in sub ivisions (b), An¢e,p.122. (c), and (d) of that section shall not be included. R mm of Nw _ (e) For the purposes of section 201, in the case of members of u¤¤li°$u¤m¤ me ne the National Guard or of the National Guard Reserve called into °_f§';,,,§'f'3f?_ °°!°“° service by the roclamation of the President dated July 3, 1917, the time of service between the date of call into the service as specified in such proclamation and August 5, 1917, both dates inclusive, shall be deemed to be active service in the military or naval forces of the United States. Trrnn III.—·GnNnnAL Pxovrsroivs. °•¤°¤'¤'°"=*°¤=· snimmrs eizaivrnn vmamazvs. B•¤•°¤· Sec. 301. Each veteran shall be entitled: °'“”°°d "°°"“‘°‘ (1) To receive <· adjusted service pay ’· as pmvaaed in Title iv, "°""‘°"“""’°"°"‘ if the amount of his adjusted service credit is $50 or less; §;';;'§2`°‘m (2) To receive an " adjusted service certificate ” as provided in emmla. ° S° °°°°r` Title V, if the amount of his adjusted service credit is more than $50. P°"· P- m- APPLICATION BY VETERAN. Applications. Sec. 302. (a) A veteran may receive the benefits to which he is '1`<;b·;{11·={1i¤<1¤v¤r¤- elltltled by filing an application claiming the benents of this Act mw ° as S°m°°` with the Secretary of War, if he is serving in, or his last service was with, the military forces; or with the Secretary of the Navy, if he is serving in, or his last service was with, the naval forces. (b) Such application shall be made on or before January 1, 1928, ,,§‘§’°'° J"““°”` 1*, and if not made on or before such date shall be held void. P su b up (G) application shall be made (1) personally by the veteran, ,,,,,,°'?,‘§§‘,,,,’,h,?,,,,u, 01‘ (2) 1H case physical or mental incapacity prevents the making d*¤¤°¤“°°d·