clxxvi mnnx. O_[;‘ieers’ Reserve Corps, Army-—-Continued. Page Oil, Gas, etc., Investigations, Pwpay restricted, etc.; Medical Reserve appropriation for, additional, 1925 708 Corps at Army hospitals for Vet- Oil Lands, etc., erans’ Bureau beneficiaries . 507 leases, etc., relating to designated naval Oficial Gazette, Patent Office, reserves, in Wyoming and Caliappropriation for printing, etc . 393, 1144 fornia, to be canceled and andeticiency appropriation for printing, nulled ... 6 etc ..._.,,_... 683, 1328 Oil Pollution Act, 1924, Ojlcial Register, , title of Act ... - . 604 compilation annually of, containing terms construed; "oi1"; "person" . 604 names of all persons occupying "coastal navigable waters of the civil positions in departments, United States"; "Secretary"--- 605 District of Columbia, etc . -- 1105 discharging oil into coastal navigable data required; postal service, Army, water from any vessel, unlawful- 605 Navy, and Marine Corps, not regulations to be prescribed permitting included . 1105 discharge at times and places, if heads of departments, etc., to supply not deleterious to health or sea necessary data 1105 food . - ... 605 number of copies and distribution or a menace to navigation, etc .. 605 authorized- --------------.--. 1105 punishment for violation of Act or former laws repealed ---------- - ----- 1106 regulations under -.-...--. 605 Ojicial Reporters, liability of vessel from which oil disappropriation for House of Represents- charged ...-.--..-...- 605 tives -.---.------. - .------ 585, 1293 clearance withheld until penalty for Senate --------------------- 581, 1289 paid ..-...-..-.-.------.-. --- 605 positions and pay established of, assist- recovery by libel proceedings ---.- 605 ant, transcribers, etc., House of license of officer of vessel violatigg Representatives -..-..-.--- 152 restrictions may be suspend Ogden, Second Lieutenant Henry Herbert, or revoked .---.-..---.-.. 605 Air Service, Officers’ Reserve enforcement of penalties, etc., only for Corps, violations three months after appointment of, as second lieutenant, enactment ---.------.-.---..-- 605 Army Air Service, in recognition administration by river and harbor imof services in world flight ------- 979 provements personnel, etc ..-. -- 605 distinguished service medal accorded to, employees given power to swear out and acceptance of medals or de- process, make arrests, etc., for corations from foreign govern- violations --.-----..-.-.-- 605 ments, authorized- -.--------.-- 979 no arrest without process if violation Ogdensburg, N. Y., not committed in presence of preliminary examination, etc., of, har- official -----.----.--------..-- 606 bor to be made ----..---..---.- 1196 proceedings before court officials ...- 606 Ohio River, Act in addition to, and not repealing, bridge authorized across, Ambridge and etc., laws for protection of navi- Woodlawn, Pa ..-- 791 gable waters -.--..-.-...-. 606 Benwood, W. Va., to Bellaire, Ohio--- 27 investigation directed of polluting de- Cairo, Ill ..-..--.-.-... - ..--.--.-- 999 posits in waters endangering Fullerton, Kk, to Portsmouth, Ohio- 663 navigation, fisheries, etc --..-.-- 606 Henderson, ‘$ -.-.-.. 662 report of sources of pollution, means Huntington, . Va .-.-- - .--...-.-. 792 of deposits, with recommenda- Owensboro, Ky., to Roclllport, Ind-- 103 tion for remedies, to bemade to Portsmouth, Ohio, to Fu erton, Ky- 790 Congress --_------------------ 606 preliminary examination, etc., of, to use of rivers and harbors funds for be made at Evansville, Ind ---- 1195 investigations .-----.- - -.-- 606 for ice pier at Covington-Newport, amount authorized to be appropriated Ky ..--..-..-.-..- --.. 1195 for examinations, etc., of rivers time extended for_-bridging, at Steu· and harbors ---.------- - .-..-. 606 b¤¤v¤1¤¤,0h¤¤ ...--- - -----·---- 1000 ou Pollution of Navigable warm, V9·¤d€1'b’·u'E COUIWY, 1¤d·» Mid Hsu- deficiency appropriation for expenses, _ d9TS°¤ CQ¤¤#Y» KY- ~---——----- 1132 conference of maritime nations-- 1339 Ozl and Gas Deposits in Oklahoma, Oi; Shale, ¤'€t€¤ti°¤ of 1’0Y8·1ti0S received by the appropriation for developing; purchase G9V0¤'{1¤10¤t f1'0¤1, ¤¤ti1 0’€h€!'· of land for plant; construction, . WIS'? d¤'°°t°d—; —·-—---·· - ·-——- 1302 operation, etc .---.- - .----. 1175 0*1 dnd Gd-? Lands, Indian R€8€7’vd1W¤$» Okanagan Irrigation Project, Wash., m1¥¤¤8 1058% ¤\1th0¤Z0d foi' t€¤ }'0·”¤‘¤ appropriation for maintenance, etc., of uutlllotted lands -----------. 244 of ____________________ ____ 418 1170 lands of Five Civilized Tribes and 0;;;,,;,,,,,,,,, ’ OQEBBS °K°§Pt9d -—-- - ---———-—-· 24*1 sale of land in Kiowa Countv, author-- _ production sublect to State taxes--, 244 ized ________________ ; ________ 1003 Od and 0*1 Shak, Publw Lands, proceeds to purchase tract for cemeappropriation for surveys, etc., of-- 394, 1145 te,-y for Kiowa, Apaches and for enforcing provisions for leases of- 42}, Qomauches _____ I ________ 1 ____ 1004 . _ 11*4 taxes allowed on production of oil, Oil Conservation Board, Federal, etc_ on restncted allotments of deficiency appropriation for expenses-- 754 Kmlsas lndlans in ______ __ ____ _ 177