Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/1586

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cxcvru INDEX. Public Buildings-—Continued. Fuse- Public Buildings and Grounds, D. C.- Pageappropriation for vaults, safes, etc--- 81, 779 Continued. for additional pay, Supervising Archi- appropriation for repairs, watchmen, tect 81, 780 etc.,Wakefield,Va.,Washington’s for skilled employees, etc., Omce of birthplace . 515, 929 Supervising Architect 81, 780 · for Lincoln Memorial ... - ... 515 for superintendents, inspectors, etc., for Superintendent, assistant, etc., on buildings . 81, 780 office of ... 572 transferring effects of superintend— for foremen, gardeners, etc 572 ents, etc 81, 780 for personal services 572, 1246 for contingent expenses, materials, for contingent expenses . 572, 1246 etc . 82, 780 for park police ... - .. 572, 1246 no allowance for transporting sup- for improving grounds South of PHGS --·-·—---—·------——--—- 82, 780 Executive Mansion 573 ground rent, Salamanca, N. Y--- 82, 780 for greenhouses etc ___________ _ _____ 573 101 Ogggatlug 101669 6111P10Y668 811661*82 780 for improvement and care of parks, 7

—--·-—————-—--- » etc ... 3

for furniture and repairs , T 82, 781 for Monurnonr Grounds, oro ________ g73 for 0P61`1rl>111E 811PP1168i 11161, 1181118, for general repairs, maintenance, water, etc _ - . 82, 781 oto ______ _ ____________________ 573 adyance fuel contracts author- for Rock Creek pork _______________ 573 med-- --—·--—·-—- ;q ----··——— S3: 781 for improvement, etc., of public for operating force, additional, 1925- 710 grounds ______________________ 1247 for general expenses, additional, 1925 710 for Potomac pork ______________ 5-7 1247 <1o6o1o¤·=y upproprigttiou for Bootou, rot tourists comp, Potomac rink--- ’ 573 Mass-; 8·PP1'$1SQ1"$ Stores ---—--— 51 for maintaining portions of parks for for 0P€1'3t111S $11PP116gé·é§-5-Qéi-iégo I out·door spgrts ______ _ ______ 573, 1247 7 1 I I I I i P ______-_..--- for furruturo ---.-----·---·--- - ---- 58 iiiiogigiig st? roniiiiiiins on Union 573 f Ar 62,698,701,761,1343,18gg Statibn Plaza ... - ... 573, 1247 or y, k ... · - _ for wnnnttn, vt . , .. 58 ‘°’ ‘§§,’§,*’;*’i‘E‘l_$‘ZT°.f’f-.‘l‘T'E-}’}’T{’it?. srs ‘°’ **1****** *1*** P’°S°"“*‘°“-:,7,ri,;’,79 ,35382 for Tidal Basin bathing beach---_--- 573 I I for mechanical equipment for .. 58, u°§;g?§d°§Ltht;;1;Hg;;cg°rc03;?;é 698’ 721’ 1349 into the Treasury . 1247 for vaults and safes __...__ 58, 62, 698 f bl. b d t 1247 for general expenses- -.--.--------. 58, rm. pu lc fn °°°°5r S"‘k ‘‘‘‘‘ { ‘ O 62, 698, 761, 1349 or lrgorea ion sec ion, nacos ra 1247 fm. °p°mting f°r°°5n‘4; 251: 12553252, 1;;,1 for Rpck greek Park, new shelter, 1247 for Honolulu, Hawaii -.-...-. - --.- 62, 761 f cig" 7 8 1?°i‘£‘r3‘{&"·§·t ·‘‘‘‘ for New York, N. Y., quarantine sta- °r lgafrglng n e r g°’ ° °m8‘c 1247 for I:'“;il;'¥é ‘’'`’ I '‘’`'’‘’ 694 for lighting public grounds ---.-. 574, 1247 “ · X ········ · ····-·-··· 757 r ri t si t 574 1247 for assistant custodians and janitors- 761, °r ee mg_° ccs} °_°j‘"i ‘‘’‘‘‘‘ _ * 1349, 1352 for surveying Virginia line, Cham an- Brooklyn, N. Y ________,___ ;__ 1343 Budget to Jones Point 574 for Mondo, Ala ___________________ 1343 for- additional lands for development for Steubenville, ohio --_.,_____ -,, 134:; of Rook Crook and Potomac for relief of contractors, war condi- ?1r1'k“'¤}’ -----—— - --—----·--·-- _- 57*1 tion olojrns ______ _ _____________ 1344 for improvement and care, add1- Cincinnati, Ohio; cleaning exterior of 1101181, 1925 -------—- - -—------· _- 712 post ogjoo pornnttod ____________ 135 for Washington Monument, addiconstruction authorized of uarantine tional, 1925; ----- 2 -—-------—--- 712 station, Sand Island, glla -_---. - 9.50 f<>1` 1’6D{111‘S, 1111160111 B <168·111P18·66, Denver, Colo.; exchange of custom- uddltionali 1925 -—-·---—· ; ----— , - 712 house in for new site and nniid- for Wakefield, _Va., Waslunstou s jng_ _________________________ 1117 birthplace, improvements, etc., El Dorado, Ark.; exchange of part of ”·‘1dm°11a1» 1925-; ———---— -_-; —-—- 712 public building site with nity-- scc for Lmoolu Momorwl, uddruouol, Providence, R. I.; appraisers’ stores 1925 ----·----—--- · -——----- -;—- 712 property, to be Sold ____________ gon for West Potomac Park, reflecting Toietio, ohio; not or oid post Omoo, r>ool,¤<1<11t¤o¤=1l,_1925 ------ 712 ego, authorized _______ _ ________ 1258 for salaries, etc., additional, 1925--- 712 Washington, Mo.; part of pnniit bniiti- for <=@uo,_ oto-, odultiouol, 1925---, 712 ing site conveyed to city rm- for lrghting public grounds, addralley extension _____ _ __________ 136 tlouol, 1925--2 ... - . 712 Public Buildings and Grounds, D. C., deficiency apgropriation for J. Maury appropriation for care, etc., grounds of Dove ompany __--____ , ,__,.__ 53 executive departments .---.-- 514, 929 for care of grounds, etc ---,________ 55 for Washington Ionument ------ 514, 929 for park police _______ _ -_______,____ 678 for repairs, etc., Linco1n’s death- for Tidal Basin bathing beach _-____ 678 place . - ...----- 515, 929 for bathing beach for colored people, 678