Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/1592

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eciv INDEX. Public Schools, D. C.-Continued. P¤8°· Public Schools, D. C'.—C0ntinued. Pamcompulsory school attendance pro- salaries, etc.; teaching principals------ 368 vision - .. 806 administrative principals and of vocacontract restriction for addition to tional and Americanization . 368 Western High, removed 676 principals of junior high 369 department or school attendance and _S¤¤1<>r hrgh wl ¤<>r¤¤¤} -~--------- 369 Work permits created under directors of special subjects and de- Board of Education ---- 807 v=¤*¤r¤<=¤¢¤ --------------- T ---- 369 direcjaoré of, assistants, etc., author- 808 hmdgrgcgiqgwments and assistant 369 1% ---------——-- — --------—-— . . .· · 1 ········*········ competitive examination of appli- SUPETVISIPS PY'm°1P¤lS—= -——--—-—--—— 369 cants for appointments in _______ 808 community center department T - 369 Five ¥;'£2£I' School Building Program 986 ¤¤h¤<:}c;;;i?£B;¤;¤¤ and work pcrmws 369 Q ______ __ ___________ _ _____ _ _ -••-—-•--~-•—· -·—- purposes of authorizations .. 986 °h1?ft°Ximi¤€¥`; -£ - -6 - -£- ———-——·--—- 370 elementary schools, sites, playgrounds, gf_‘;Sa;;S€;g’f;’\? ggnzgngégtg ······· wd buildings authorized ‘‘‘‘‘ 986 su erintendent cg} schools —--an 370 in first division ,___... -. 986 comp mat. n d . mst ‘‘‘‘‘ E "‘‘‘‘ in second division ,__.. 987 Pc . B mt ggualg al gear 9t;°w` in third division __. - ..._... 987 *° .“ S?° S ”t Y W1 ”° in fourth division 988 credit for pnor servwes . 370 infifthdivision-.-:;:::;;:;;;::1 988 ¤1¤¤i¤·;;§;gg of gggggggggggtvgl ug; in sixth division ... 989 th u htmd nt 1 370 ingeventh division __________ - ,__._ 989 no xa§1§Dg§nn for in i6"" `£5";1‘ in eighth division . ; 989 ° t. * . *° ° P Y'%°. °° · in tenth division- _ nn"- an----- 989 _ mue m permanent positwns 370 in eleventh division . 990 at time of appointment hereafter 370 in twelfth divi ion ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘' " 990 assignment of salaries for permanent - . S- · 1 ‘’’'’' employees in service June 30 m thirteenth d1v1sion .. 991 1924 * 371 Md Mg n*;;*g5§;¤¤{¤* 0 Street VM- 991 Embmonzegazsaazxgiagees ‘‘‘‘‘‘ an ' 0 00 ,_ _.._ -- ,--- . . '``'` junior high schools, sites, playgrounds, sc edufngul plafgglgntg? ggafg chssg and buamangs authorized- .. 991 .P°_§ 1 I »1g2 4 P Y°°° 2 an nm division _.. 991 “°"*°F “Y » . —--—-~-————— 37 in third division ____ _ _____________ 992 Lf  ;§>I·i;=éIfi§¤}11yrr¤;%¤;;¤¤ed .-.. ---- in mtu division _._____..._..__ 992 PP. Y. h S ° Bd f ---- -—: --—— E in sixth divisiom _ _ __ _ __________ _ _ 992 service vs it Karma orces equivalen in seventh division ________________ 992 mt ¥¤t¥<=g<=myg¤9%g;p¤;g;gé5t ———-— gg in eighth division ____..,.. 992 D {1911:20 (QF la P it ${-1- in tenth division __________________ 992 °“ ua llgzgcasi S?. Qfs ° °’ _ Y · 373 in eleventh division ... ssa . »““ °m° ‘°° Y —-—·- - —-—-· in division ___ _______ pI'OIDOt;OHS 0}:1 8DCa B·ftCI' 1, ¤¢¤i¤r high ¤¤h<>¤1¤; new buildius f<>r rgc;€$;K?.S?.Ti IIT ? ave M¤Ki¤1¤y M¤¤¤¤1T¤¤i¤i¤8 ---- 993 assignments on basis or superior mohnew building for Business High .. 993 ing __________________________ 373 transfer of business department from eugiblcs promoted to Group B of class 3 D¤¤b¤r High wd <¤s¤¤i=i¤s without examinations etc .. an Business High for colored gupils- ‘ 993 restriction on promotion wvithout one land for Armstrong 'liechnical igh- - 993 ycarls Service _________________ 374 ”·thl€t{° Eemsv fitting uP» eww for proportional division of salaries beggggs of D¤¤¤¤r and Armstrong 993 b i ftween white and cglored sghools- 374 - - .. t' t t ' Etting up etc., athletic field for West- as S (;_lA§1E3§a;€§,;pz-in§ip;?Sc__i]§_?f 374 cm {hgh —·—-—··-—--·-—----—-- 993 number of classrooms in elementary _f5>r M¢Ki¤1¤y M¤¤¤¤1T¤=i¤i¤g --·- 993 school bmdangs to be designated addmonal rooms in Franklin School to on recommendation of pd¤cip&1_ 374 hm bf uscdhfor ohgci PUJPOQQST -_- -;; 993 duties of first aseistent superintendents- 374 P Se cogslggegse 0 an 8 10mmE 993 board tgr exa11%uéation of teacherii to be -·——---—-·-------——- e a 0 re f combined gymnasium and assembly of ;§1rini:end§nt- Tfrflflgl. E fri 374 hall, authorized in first unit of chief examiners .._.,__._._.___ 374 an extensible elementary school annual substitute teachers authorized; building . 994 qualihcations and assignments- - 374 futuxge itenlls for pugchasgs, gtongtruc- 994 temporary tgsechers may be appointed; ion e c. may e su mj e ---. perio and salary assignments- - 375 EE8(!t1V€’d8.t€: July 1 1925; estimates community center and other activities tqtlhe preparecg in faccordance 994 1 authzzrizedi) ---..-...---.. 372 _ W1 prpvrsions ereo ... --- sa aries e c. to e paid ..---.--. 37 salanmlggtgbmhed on and after July 1, 367 rates oigegafaryi herein eifective July 1, 5

·... - ... 37

teachers in kindergarten and elemen- estimates in conformity to be sub- _ Qur}; schpols .. 367 mitted .. - 375 m gumor lugh ... 367 . no other increase of compensation _ ¤6¤$0·1' high wd normal ... 368 for fiscal year 1925 . 375 hb¤¤‘1¤¤S ···-·-··-. - ..-.. 368 inconsistent laws repealed 375