SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 190. 1924. 165 paid or its payment guaranteed to the satisfaction of the Secretary of Iézgbtg. ( ection 32 of the Immigration Act of 1917 is re ealed but F°'m°* .0*0vi$*0¤S shall remain in force as to all vessels, their owneiis, agents, igi¤:(i€i>(+i£¤liill°n0[sea_ consignees, and masters, and as to all seamen, arriving in the United peX§i3_3°’ p‘ 895* '°' States prior to the enactment of this Act. rnnranarron or noommazrrs. D°°‘"“°“‘$· _Sr:c. 21. (a) Permits issued under section 10 shall be printed on ¤¤Ii§iii¥?$°pt$ii°tx°t°d distinctive safety paper and shall be prepared and issued under regulations prescribed under this Act. _ (b) The Public Printer is authorized to print for sale to the ,,E}‘}'§k§,§°§°§’§,°§*,$°§{§; public by the Superintendent of Public Documents, upon prepay- §gjg;0¤d0¤* 0* D00¤· ment, additional copies of blank forms of manifests and crew lists ' to be prescribed by the Secretary of Labor pursuant to the provi- vm. ao. pp. ssa-su. sions of sections 12, 13, 14, and 36 of the Immigration Act of 1917. °°°‘ orrmrsrzs IN ooNNnc·rroN wrrrr nocommrrs. °°°““*· ‘ Sec. 22. (a) Any person who knowingly (1) forges, counterfeits, ,e§g}§{‘§Q”;§Q"$§S°g$$ alters, or falsely makes any immigration visa or permit, or (2) permit! '° utters, uses, attempts to use, possesses, obtains, acce ts, or receives any immigration visa or permit, knowing it to be fiirged, counterfeited, altered, or falsely made, or to have been procured by means of any false claim or statement, or to have been otherwise procured b fraud or unlawfully obtained; or who, except under direction of tlie Secretary of Labor or other proper officer, knowingly (3) possesses any blank permit, (4) engraves, sells, brings into the United States, or has in his control or possession any plate in the likeness of a plate designed for the printing of permits, (5) makes any print, photograph, or impression in the likeness of any immigration visa P . dismctm or permit, or (gi) has in his possession a distinctive paper which has p¤p;i°°mg been adopted y the Secretary of Labor for the printing of immigration visas or permits, shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined not $::1; than $10,000, or imprisoned for not more than live years, or (b) Any individual who (1) when applying for an immigration p,P,,‘$§‘,*$§,‘{,‘j“‘,Q‘§,'“§§ visa or permit, or for admission to the United States, personates ggligigll *0* VMS 0* another, or falsely appears in the name of a deceased individual, or ` evades or attempts to evade the immigration laws by appearing under an assumed or fictitious name, or 32) sells or otherwise disposes of, or offers to sell or otherwise ispose of, or utters, an immigration visa or permit, to any person not authorized by law to receive such document, shall, upon conviction thereof, be lined . not bgngre than $10,000, or imprisoned for not more than five years, or t . (c) Whoever knowingly makes under oath any false statement in any application, ailidavit, or other document reguired by the “°°S·°°°· immigration laws or mglations prescribed thereun er, shall, upon conviction thereof, be ed not more than $10,000, or imprisoned for not more than five years, or both. mmoim or moor. B°'°°" °"“°°° Sec. 23. Whenever an alien attempts to enter the United States ¥;°h$$f the burden of proof shag be upon such alien to establish that he is ‘*°¤°'*°“°“· not subject to exclusion under any provision of the immigration laws; and in any deportation proceeding against any alien e bur-