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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/203

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172 SIXTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cris. 192-194. 1924. °°‘%”°°° Ri"°’~ the Southern Pacific Company a corporation against the United my h¤i1:i>ei¤iesC°1ii$lr States for reimbursement and repayment to siich company of the 2,"3§.3:{'$3’ cost of said company and the amounts expendgd by it {fom ldleceipibeé 1 1906 to November 30 1907 in closing an contro ing the rea iii the Colorado River, bb, and such claim is hereby, referred to the Court of Claims, and full jurisdiction is hereby vested in said court to ascertain the amounts actually expended and the actual costs incurred by the said Southern Pacific Company in closing and ’“°*·‘“°"° ‘° "° '°”‘ controlling said break within said riod and to render `ud ent P9 l gm deredforamountfmmd . . . . . M- m favor of said Southern Pacific Company and against the United States of America for such aggregate amounts, less such proportion ` gfguch (dxpendgzures and as wouldhbe fair (imd reasonable to be e ucte as said com any s s are of suc expen itures and costs ani the share of any subsidiary corporation of said Southern Pacihb Company, because of the amount and probable value of the land and improvements thereon belonginsg at the time to said company, or any subsidiary corporation of said outhern Pacific Compang, and which in the opyimon of said court were saved by the closing an controlling of said reak, as compared with the amount and probable value of pho otherhlar_§l,_d.nfr§veme1gs, and other pgoperty belonging at the 1me to the m tates overnment an occupants and settlers and exclusive of railroad holdings, and holdings of any subsidiary? cdrporéationrpf sa1d Sldgthemdlgzcidp Cpmpauy, ghich, in the opinion 0 said cou were a save y the c osing an controlling of said md break;_with the r1ght of appeal to both parties, and no statute of °° md- limitations shall apply to the right of recovery by said claimant. In ascertaining and etermimng aforesaid costs, expenses, facts, and matters, the court may receive and consider all papers, depositions, records, correspondence, and documents heretofore at any time filed m Congress, or with committees thereof, and m the executive departmegits of th; G§ve1·;p1ep;é;ogether with any other evidence offered. pprove , ay , . M‘{"?·‘°“f· CHAP.193.-AnA to r th e so · · [riginal? 1::22.) to gdngtruct a bridge a‘i:roslsat1hb1?E}alu€i1i:&T1El‘i>.R¤e; in itliiierefiidsigdleogliigngf liluliidigcci an hu·ty-fourth Street, in the c1ty of Chicago, county of Cook, State of Illinois. Be it enacted by the Senate and House 0 Re eeentaf the ¤t€g;°;§.;'g§]L,;§%§r;§a2§% United Staten of America in Congress aasefnbledf That iilijdscgiisent ,,,,,,,._,,,u,,,, S,m,_ of Congress is hereby granted to the city of Chicago, a corporation orgamaed under the laws of the State of Illinois, to construct, gadntam, and operate a bridge and approaches thereto across the Ia urnet River at a point suitable to the interests of navigation in the vicinity of One hundred and thirty-fourth Street in section as to h 7 - ’ Cmmmcmm t ,th wns xp 3 north, range 14 east of the third principal meridian, VOL M_ p_ B4; in the (pty of Ch rcago, county of Coolr, State of Illinois, m accordance wi the_prov1sions of the Act entitled "An Act to regulate the ggnsgggtion of bridges over nav1gable waters,” approved March

  • m°“d’“°“°‘ Sec. That th; right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby

express y reserve Approved, May 26, 1924.

   194.-An Act Granting the consent of Congress to the Millersburg

G,-'0-143 an 'verpool Brid C t' , d * · across the Susquehadixa I€irwii;ii;aat0§1m&;1mbii:g,slIg;‘hii.;?;i$hdi€;. coustmct E budge . Be it enacted b the S t · Sus mmm mm. , ?/ _ em e and House of Repreaentatwes of the L,{?él§g_,f§gg€%}§§ (g”“éi)¢fl S@¢;€8_ 0l;lA”g67“¢6‘¢ M Uvngress assembled, That the consent ¤m;;>pmx_pa;8· dge, Brid 8260 15 t§!`€ Y g!'9·!1t€d to the Mlpéfsbufg and LiVe1‘p00l g rpora ion, a corporation organized under the laws of