SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 199. 1924. 175 of said force detailed to detective headquarters in the prevention and detection of crime shall each receive extra compensation of B,cy,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,_ $600 per annum; members of said force who may be mounted on bicycles shall each receive an extra compensation of $70 per annum; members of said force detailed for special service in the various precincts in the prevention and detection of crime shall Mm, ,,,,1,, ,,,,,,,,E_ each receive an extra compensation of $240 per annum; and mem- ` bers detailed to the motor—cycle service shall each receive an extra compensation of $120 per annum. _ mr d t ML Sec. 2. That the annual basic salaries of the officers and members ,,,1,, §,§£°m”°° of the fire department of the District of Columbia shall be as fol- Rm, lows: Chief engineer, $5,200; deputy chief engineers, $3,500 each; ` battalion chief engineers, $3,050 each; Hre marshal, $3,250; deputy P°“·P·"2· fire marshal, $2,500; inspectors, $2,160 each; captains, $2,500 each; heutenants, $2,350 each; sergeants, $2,200 each; su§ntendent of machinery, $3,250; assistant superintendent of mac ery, $2,500; pilots, $2,250 each; marine engineers, $2,250 each; assistant marine engineers, $2,150 each; marine iireman, $1,800 each; privates of class g, $2,100 eiach; privates of class 2, $1,900 each; privates of class 1, 1,800 eac . Sec. 3. That in lieu of Sunday there shall be granted to the ,,,,¥,°§,§’,° ,$§,‘,§i ,§{§‘“§ Metropolitan lpolice and to each officer and member of the fire de- §¤u·j_}¤d8‘,jS¤¤¥ i¤ uw °' partment of the District of Columbia one day off out of each week ' of seven days, which shall be in addition to his annual leave and sick leave now allowed by law: Provided, however, That whenever the mmmm 0, Commissioners of the District of Columbia declare that an emer- ¤¤ ¤¤¤rz¤¤¤v- gen}?-K exists of such a character as to requ1re the continuous service of the members of the Metropolitan pohce force and the members of the fire department, the magor and superintendent of police and the chief engineer of the fire department shall have authority, and it shall be their duty, to suspend and discontinue the granting of the said one day of!} in seven during the continuation of such emer enc . g y omrnn srarns rmx romcm. P""‘ "°"°°‘ Sec. 4. That the United States park police shall be under the ,,,,E,{,‘,,"f,’{,,,‘§,§{’,§‘{,'{,,,{,"§ exclusive charge and control of the officer in charge of (public build- i¤¢==·¤¤<1zr¤¤¤d¤- ings and Ugrounds, under the general direction of the h1ef ipf En- Comp osmon md gmeers, mted States Army. _ It shall consist of an &Ct1V6 0 cer of grades olfome, the United States Army, detailed by the War Department, one heutenant with grade correspondigg to that psf lieitlitenaxét (Metropoli- Pm pm tan olice one first ser ant ve ser ean W1 gra e correspon _- · · · ing Ito thsiti of sergeantge(1l:1etmpolitaig1 police), and fifty-four privates, all of whom shall ave served three years to be with grade corresponding to private, class 3 (Metropolitan pohce)_; all of whom shall have served one year to be with grade corresponding to private, class 2 (Metropolitan police) ; and all of whom shall haye served less than one year tohbe)with grade corresponding to private, class 1 Metro olitan `ce . _ S,,,,,,,,,_ ( Sec. Thatpizhe annual salaries of the members of the United States park police force shall be as follows :_ Lieutenant, $2,700; first sergeant, $2,400; sergeants, $2,300 each; privates, class 3, $2,000 each; privates, class 2, $1,800 each; ygivates, class 1, $1,700 each. Umms, ,,,1,,,,, Sec. 6. That the members of the mted States park police force mnt em. to be furshall be furnished with uniforms, means of transportatwn, and ms EL such other equipment as may be necessary for the proper performance of their duties, including badges revolvers, and ammunition; the United States Army officer detailed as sugenntendent of the United States park police, who shal1_use on o c1al business motor transportation furnished and maintained by himself, shall receive 45S22°—251‘—-14