SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 202. 1924. 181 duty of the clerk of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia to keep a special book for the purpose of recording said licenses, _ and shall, upon application and by the payment of a fee of 50 m£,‘§‘§_f°' °°’“°°““’ °' cents, deliver to any person applying therefor a certificate that the license has been recorded in compliance with the provisions of this . , Act. Each person to whom a certificate of license shall be issued by plziiigedldsztcl? bt}? pg; said board s iall keep same displayed in a conspicuous place in his ““°“°'· principal office or place of business wherein said person shall practice optometry, and shall, whenever required, exhibit the said certificate to any member or agent of the board. F Src. 14. That the said board shall charge the following fees for AZ°£°l¤Zi{m°"”°d' examinations, registrations, and renewals of certificates: The sum of $25 for a standard or a limited examination. Every registered optometrist who desires to continue the practice of optometry shall annually, on or before the 10th day of January of each year, pay to the secretary-treasurer of the board a renewal registration fee to be fixed annually b the board, not to exceed $10, for which he shall L, _ receive a renewal of his certificate. In case of neglect to ay the ¤mii§1°i§¤{§:?>§i°¢i. if renewal registration fee as herein provided the board shdll have authority to revoke such license and the holder thereof may be reinstated by complying with the conditions specified in this section, _ but no license or permit may be revoked without iving sixty days’ N°“°°°°d°““°“°“*· notice to the delinquent, but the board shall onlydiave the right to renew such license on the payment of the renewal fee with penalty _ of $5: Pro/vided, That retirement from practice for a period of not {[,'§§‘§$g1,,,,,,,,. ,,,,,,, exceeding five years shall not deprive the holder of said license of the mmright to renew the same upon the payment of the fee herein required. Sec. 15. That the board shall adopt a seal and license of suitable m£,§’,'§‘ °’ °°°1 we design and shall have an office in the District of Columbia where examinations shall be held and where all of the permanent records shall be kept. _ Src. 16. That the board may in its discretion refuse to grant a msI;fi°f*‘§§’,sc,'{‘c$f,°,§_'* license to any applicant and may cancel, revoke, or suspend the operation of any license by it granted for any of the following) reasons: The conviction of crime involving moral turpitude, ha itual R°“’°’“ S¥’°°“’°'*- use of narcotics, or any other substance which impairs the intellect and judgment to such an extent as to incapacitate anyone for the Am NB duties, of optometry, or for a conviction as provided in section 2 of ’°` ` tiis i ct. Sec. 17. That any person who is the holder of a license or who is H°°””"· an applicant for a license against whom any charges are preferred shall be furnished by the board with a copy of the comp aint and shall have a hearing before the board at which hearingm e may be represented by counsel. At such hearing witnesses may examined for and against the accused respecting such charges; the board shall thereupon pass upon said charges. km mmm mm, Src. 18. That any applicant for a license who has been examined muon to imiaer or by the Board of Optometry in any of the States of the United States Sm"’ °°°""°°"“‘ which through reciprocity similarly accredits the holder of a license issued by the Board of Optometry of the District of Columbia to the full privileges of practice within such State may on the pay- ment of a fee of $25 to the said board and on filing in the o&ice of the board a true and attested copy of said license, certified by the president and secretary—treasurer of the said board, showing the same and also showing that the standard of requirements adopted and enforced b said board is equal to that provided by this Act, shall _ without flurther examination receive the license: Provided, That such applicant has not previousl failed at any examination held by the Board of Optometry of the `l)istrict of Columbia.