184 SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 203. 1924. home, and the lgollecgon and cltassigcgitizn there<;f; all tihartgs peiit `n to the avy epartmen an 1 s ureaus or Ice or e coo — iilglbfgdrinking water on shore (except at naval hospitals), and not to exceed $200,000 for telephone rentals and tolls, telegrams and hmmm {muws cablegrams; postage, foreign and_domest1c, and post—office_box rentpxwsmm. p als; for necessary expenses for Interned persons and_pr1soners of war under the jurisdiction of the Navy Department, including fu- _ neral ex nses for such mterned persons or prisoners of war_as may D“"”‘g°°1“mS' die while? under such jurisdiction, and for payment of claims for l;;;;;p‘132‘ damages under Naval Act approved July 5116(1(91%; an;ldo;hef·hne;ce]s— R,,,,,,,,;,,,, ouma, sary and Inculental expenses; In all, $2,5 0, . row e , a o ¤¤v¤l d*$*¤°“· part of this apprioprxagion shall lée apailableffolp igiebgxpensphof any naval district un ess the comman an ereo s a a so e com- . U - mandant of a navy yard naval training station or naval operating ¤¤C;i§iiii¤il$i¤t·f%i:iiiii•sl base: Provided further, 'llhat the sum to be paid out of this appropriation, under the direction of the Secretary of ghe Npvy, ftir plprical ins ection and messenger service in navy yar s an nava s a 1ons forpthe fiscal year ending June 30, 1925, shall not exceed $560,000. ’ CONTINGENT, NAVY. °°“"“‘°°°’N°"' For all emergencies and exltgraordinary expenses,fexplusiw{;e)o(§_pe;·— l ser ° es in the Na epartment or any o 1 s su r Ina e iiiiizaus diicoffices at Wagngton, District of Columbia, arising at home or abroad, but impossible to be anticipated or c1ass1lied, to be expended on the approval and authority of the Secretary of the Navy, and for such purposes as he may deem proper, $40,000. `*’*’¤” ‘”‘““‘”· anmronanr GOVERNMENT ron wnsr INDIAN ISLANDS. '*`?‘°°'“"’ “°"°“" For expenses incident to the occupation of the Virgin Islands and miil>¤i]l*·l%v-1132- to the execution of the provisions of the Act providing a temporary overnment for the West Indian Islands acquired by the United States from Denmark, and for other purposes, approved March 3, __ _ 1917, to be applied under the direction of the President, $270,150, ,,$‘,l‘2§Z§§1csi”°m m` plus so much of $53.850 additional as may equal the sum of revenue collected and paid into the treasuries of said islands in excess of _ $270 150. M"““° S°h"°]S· i smrn BIARINE souoons. Yg§gf";,‘;§,;§;§§,§i§f To reimburse the State of New York, $25,000; the State of Massaand P¢¤¤$YlV¤¤i¤ f<>¤· chusetts, $25,000; and the State of Pennsylvania, $25,000, for ex- V I 36, P lm penses ncurred in thedinaintenalnce and suppgrthof giarine schools in °· · ‘ those tates in acco ance wit section 2 0 the ct entitled “An Act for the establishment of marine schools, and for other purposes,” approved March 4, 1911; in all, $75,000. Levee- ew- cxnn or I.m·nns, AND so roam, ISLAND or GUAM. ,$§‘f"· ”‘°·· °“”°“* Naval station, island of Guam: For maintenance and care of lepers, special patients, and for other purposes, including cost of transfer of lepers from Guam to the island of Culion, in the Philippines, and their maintenance, $18,000; for educational purposes, $12,000; in all, $30,000. mgiggiiiéfibgiilitiiiwiud nxrnmmnxirxr AND nnsnancu nanomronr. ,,_.f,f§§§“‘°‘""· °""“" For laboratoxiy and research work and other necessary work of V0!-39·P· 57°- the experimenta and research laboratory for the benefit of the naval service, as authorized in the Naval Appropriation Act approved