188 SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 203. 1924. U¤,{;¤r¤;¤l¤BE;mYv<2*¤· Promkled further, That until June 30, 1925, members of the Vol- °°°° at unteer Naval Reserve may, in the discretion of the Secretary of the Navy, be issued such articles of uniform as may be reguired for their drills and trainin , the value thereof not to excee that authorized to be issued to ogher classes of the Naval Reserve Force and to be charged against the clothing and small stores fund· ¥(§gg,,§,*§g*°-,,°m Provided further, That until June 30, 1925, of the Organized M1lit1a sms, ae., organized as provided by law, such part as may be duly prescribed in any Miiiiiilruas ao, ms State, Territory, or for the District of Columbia shall constitute §,*é·s*;$vg?,m';' N""“i a Naval Biilitia; and until June 30, 1925, such of the Naval Militia vm. ss, p. zsis. as now is in existence, and as now organized and prescribed by the Secretary of the Navy under authority of the Act of Congress aproved February 16, 1914, shall be a part of the Naval Reserve Eorce, and the Secretary of the Navy is authorized to maintain and rovide for said Naval Militia as provided in said Act: Promgmu *° °‘“°“°d vided) further, That upon their enrollment in the Naval Reserve ' Force, and not otherwise until June 30, 1925, the members of said Naval Militia shall have all the beneiits, gratuities, privileges, and _ __ emoluments provided by law for other members of the Naval Red,,%*f°“t '°' umm serve Force; and that, with the approval of the Secretary of the Navy, duty performed in the Naval Militia may be counted as _ H active service for the maintenance of eiliciency required by law for ,,,,1Q,‘§,,§‘{’,t,§§’,’§_"”y members of the Naval Reserve Force: Provided further, That retainer pay provided by existing law shall not be paid to any member of the Naval Reserve Force who fails to train as provided by law during the year for which he fails to train. N¤v¤* W·¤¤°“°¥°· NAVAL wan common, rmomu ISLAND. M¤i¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¢· For maintenance of the Naval War College on Coasters Harbor Island, including the maintenance, repair, and operation of one horse-drawn passenger-carrying vehicle to be used only for official purposes· and care of ground or same, $91,800* services of a pro— fessor of international law, $2,000; services of civilian lecturers, rendered at the WVar College, $1,200; care and preservation of the _ library, including the purchase, binding, and repair of books of f;°{§§{§§g, mw sm- reference and periodicals $5,000; in all, $100,000: Provided, That ice- the sum to be paid out of this appropriation under the direction of the Secretary of the Na for clerical, inspection, drafting, and messenger service for the liiyscal year ending June 30, 1925, shall not exceed $62,500.
- ““’] H°“’°‘ NAVAL Honra, rrirmnnnrrrrn, PENNSYLVANIA.
P°’ °"’”‘°‘°’°"" Pay of employees: Secretary, $2,200; foreman mechanic, $2,200; superintendent of grounds, $1,200; steward, $1,600; seamstress, $360; benehc1ar1es’ attendant, $480; baker, $720; chief cook, $660; assistant c00ks—one $600, one $540; 1aundresses——chief $480, live at $360 each; scrubbers·—chief $420, three at $360 each; waitresseshead $600, twelve at $360 each; kitchen attendant, $540; laborersfour at $600 each, seven at $540 each; firemen—one $840, four at $720 each; gardener, $840; helper, pipe fitter, $975; helper, woodworker, $975; stable keeper and driver, $660; master at arms, $900; two house corporals, at $600 each; barber, $600; car enter, $1,400; pa1nters—one $1,400, one $1,020; engineer, $1,080; cliaufl`eurs»—one for coal truck, $960, one for small truck, $840; electrician, $1,400; stenographers and typewriters-0ne $1.800, one $1,400, two at $1,200 eachatelephone operator, $900; total for employees, $50,450; M¤i¤¢¤¤¤¤¤¤- Maintenance: For water rent, heating, and lighting; cemetery, burial expenses, and headstones; general care and improvements of