SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 203. 1924. 197 in naval hospitals) and enlisted men of the Navy and Marine Corps, of members of the Nurse Cor s, and of officers and enlisted men of the aval Reserve Force, wliien on active service with the Navy, who die or are killed in action ashore or afloat, and also to enable the Secretary of the Navy, in his discretion, to cause to be transported to their homes the remains of civilian employees of d‘?‘V**;,’{,I;0agmP*°Y°°$ the Nav; Department and Naval Establishment who die while ying ` employe outside of the continental limits of the United States, $40,000: Provided, That the sum herein appropriated shall be ,{°;,°,'j,;‘g;,,0¤ 0,,,,,,,, available for payment for transportation of the remains of officers `
men who have died while on duty at any time since April 21,
sAr.ARms, NAVY DEPARTMENT. For personal services in the District of Columbia in accordance Df,§§£';uQ°”°“°‘m with the Classification Act of 1923, $72,620. ` BUREAU or YARDS AND Docks. ..,£“s°3§s.°‘ “'°“ MA1N·rnNANom. For the labor, materials, and supplies necessary, as determined m?.$.E§'°l "`°i"' by the Secretary of the Navy, for the general maintenance of the activities and properties now, or hereafter, under the cognizance _ of the Bureau of Yards and Docks, including the purchase, main- V°m°1°S’°°°' tenance, repair, and operation of passenger-camkying vehicles for _ the Naval Establishment not otherwise provided or, and including i.,g}°"°”l’ °t°" °°"' not to exceed $950,000 for clerical, inspection, drafting, messen r, ,,,w,m_ and other classified work in the iield, $6,217,500: Pro/vided, 'lgieat Purchlfgo gmvsgsenduring the iiscal year 1925 the Secretary of the Navy is authorized W v° °S °° ‘ to purchase not more than five passenger-carrying motor-propelled vehicles, to cost not to exceed $1,500 each, twenty passenger-carrging motor—propelled vehicles, to cost not to exceed $500 each, and ii een motor cycles with passenger-carrying side cars, to cost not to ex- ,4,,,,,, ,0,, Ommtmm ceed $300 each: Provided further, That expenditures from appro- ¤¢¢· priations contained in this Act for the maintenance, operation, and repair of motorgpropelled passenger-carrying vehicles, including the compensation o operators, shal not exceed $175,000 exclusive of M,,,,,,,, (·,,,,_,_ 0,,,, such vehicles owned and operated by the Marine Cor s in connec- vida w¤=i¤¤¤¢=¤¤ 1im¤¤· tion with expeditionary duty without the continental qimits of the United States. CONTINGENT. For contingent expenses and minor extensions and improvements C°¤°*¤¤¤¤*· of public works at navy yards and stations. $125,000. sArxARn~:s, rmvr nRrAR*rm:x~:>r·r. For personal services in the District of Columbia in accordance Dgdaviiiizzigxgimmgilu with the Classification Act of 1923, $237,480. PUBLIC WORKS, BUREAU OF YARDS AND DOCKS. P¤b“¤ w¤*kS· Navy yard, Portsmouth, New Hampshire: Electric capstans for- *°°"s‘“°““’· 1* H· dry dock, $10,000; repairs to_quay wall, $20,000; circulating pumps for heating system, $10,000; in all $40.000. _ _ _ _ _ Navy yard, Boston. Massachusetts: Additional facilities, B°5’°¤· Dock No. 3, $175,000; for the renewal of the roof of foundry building No. 42-C, $45,000, in all, $220,000.