202 SIXTY·EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 203. 1924. R¤¢*¤¤<¤·>m¤¤¤· For pay of officers prescribed by law on the retired list, $451,157. EMM ¤¤°¤· ¤°°i'° Pay of enlisted men, active and class 1, Fleet Marine Corps reserve md r°°°m' list: For pay and allowances of noncommissioned officers, musicians, and privates, as prescribed by law, and for the expenses of clerks of the Uéiéted Stptes Mar1nE>_C0rFs txgynglinig underfoziderlsic and irhclud- ` 'f om ensa ion or e 1 e men 0 » e arine or s niiiliifiecl ;1;H:x;ertIi·iiiemen, sharpshooters, marksmen, or regularl)y detailed as gun captains, gun pointers, cooks, messmen, signalmen, or holding good-conduct medals, pins, or bars, including interest on deposits by enlisted men, poéstdivxcigange debts of dlesertegshiinder h les as the Secretary 0 e avy may prescr1 e an e au— iliiiriniiild travel allowance of discharged enlisted men, aiid for pr1zes for excellence in guimery exercises and target practice, and for pay of enlisted men designated as Navy mail clerks and assistant Navy mail clerks, both ailoat and ash0re——pa%y ain';] allowagcegi $9,7 91,7 51; all w ce for lod ° g and subsistence 81 82· in a 0 609 533. R¤*i*¤d ¤¤”¤**=dm°¤· Foiillpay and agouwances prescribed, by laiw ol enlisted nien bn the r tired list $345 864. U¤dr¤w¤¢*¤*¤i¤¤· 6Undrawn clothing: For payment to discharged enlisted men for clothing undrawn. $250,000. B¤¤¤¤¤ F¤¤=¤- For pay and Iénllowantéezs of Reserve Force, excepting class 1, Fleet Marine Corps eserve, 8,025. Munson. M¤·¤e¤.<»¤·» For mileage and actual and necessary expenses and per diem in lieu of subsistence as authorized by law to officers traveling under ' mb _ md M- orders without troops, $125,000. _ _ _ mm f I" §”’$lt”2tl3”’§3‘tEh° "2°i.”.3l t‘§”3i§bSp.§e?éH2‘L]}f' “""’”°%’§é“l°d or p y e ari _ u accoun or in accordance ylvihh existmgrlgw as pay of the Marine Corps, and for that purpose s a constitute one fund. m'§i;;¤ggsg;{s¤;;g3,gg P0l;It¢;é¤;<;1ne)y1 aip)p;·opris;;;dgc}>y0i%hism1g§t shall lggdexpended for {ransea. 1 s o rs en is men or em oyees under the Sjgrisdictligdln of the Navy Department witheiut a cerlliiticate {rang the h regary of the N gvy or other officiall authority designated y im t at there are no l merican vesse s then available for the transportation of such officers, enlisted men, or employees. mR¤gg¥;g.§*&QSg?Ng{g No officer of the Navy or Marine Corps, while on leave of absence or imagine corx gg engaged in a service other than that of the Government of the ],$_‘,,Z,$•,..L$"" United States, shall be entitled to any pay or allowances for a period ip exgesst ofhthat fogvggh he IS entitled to full pay, unless the residen o erwise 1r . Civi1f¤r¤¤- rar or crvn. roucn. cavirimpemmelac For personal services in the District f C 1 b` d "°"d°““'°°“‘ with “The Classification Act of 1923,” asofolloovdsxil m m amor ance t Ogézlesligg the ma]or general commandant and adj utant and inspecor · Ci’rice,of tjhe paymaster, $23,320; Oilice of the quartermaster, $72,520; in all, $157,260. raewme. For personal services in Marine Corps offices located elsewhere than at Marine Corps Headquarters, $13,601. ceases expenses. cnxnmx. nxrnzasns, mama comes. A¤¤¤¤*=¤d <>*>!·>·¤¤- _ For every expenditure requisite for, and incident to, the authorized work of the Marine Corps, other than as appropriated for under the headings of pay and salaries, as follows: