SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 204. 1924. 221 assistants to clerks of United States district courts, instead of but under conditions applicable to the allowance for actual expenses of subsistence, as provided in the above—mentioned Act of February 26, V°'·‘“’·P· im- 1919. For fees of United States commissioners and justices of the peace C°mm“*°“°”·°°°- acting under section 1014, Revised Statutes of the United States, R· S··¤¤¢- 1014,v-1811 $500,000. For fees of jurors, $1,600,000. ’“’°'S· For fees of witnesses and for payment of the actual éxpenses of wit- W““°“°’· nesses, as provided by section 850, Revised Statutes of the United `§,g%;,“‘f,°,;§§;,}’§g°,‘]; States, inc udinfg the fees and expenses of witnesses on behalf of the ml evvmism- Government be ore the Boards of United States General Appraisers, such payments to be made on the certification of the attorney for the United States and to be conclusive as provided in section 850, Re- R- S·. scc. 85¤,p.1w. vised Statutes of the United States, $1,430,000. For rent of rooms for the United States courts and judicial officers, Rm of wm rwms $80,000. For bailiffs and criers, not exceding three bailiifs and one crier in B¤““’S· M- each court, except in the southern district of New York and the hom northern district of Illinois, $290,000: Provided, That all persons Amnainm. em loyed under section 715 of the Revised Statutes shall be deemed R‘S"’°°‘"°·"· M to be in actual attendance when they attend upon the order of the courts, but no such (person shall be employed during vacation; ex- ,u'_{"fg¢*i¤¢ erpensw. penses of circuit an district judges o the United States and the judges of the district courts of the United States in Alaska, Porto V°,_,,,’p_u6,_ Rico, and Hawaii, as provided by section 259 of the Act entitled “An Act to codify revise, and amend the laws relating to the Jmmm judiciary,” approved March 3, 191r meals and lodging for jurors in United States cases, and of bailiiiis in attendance upon the same,_ when ordered by the court, and meals and lodging for jurors in $01%; p_ ,,6, Alaska, as provided by section 193, Title II, of the Act of June 6, 1900; and compensation for jury mmmissioners, $5 per day, not exceeding three days for any one term of court. _ For such miscellaneous expenses as may be authorized or approved M‘°°°“°°°°'”‘ b the Attorney General, for the United States courts an their o&cers, including so much as may be necessary in the discretion of the Attorney General for such expenses in the District of Alaska, and in courts other than Federal courts, $7 39,000. For supplies, includtipcg the exchange of typewriting and addin 8“""“°°· machines, for the Uni States courts and judicial officers, incluef ing firearms and ammunition therefor, to be expended under the direction of the Attorney General, $73,000. For purchase of law books, including the exchange thereof, for '°‘ ’“‘”'““ United States judges, district attorneys, and other judicial officers, including the nine libraries of the United States circuit courts B8 of appeals, including not to exceed $4,000 for the purchase of con- F°d“"° "°'°°" tinuations of the Federal Reporter as issued, to be expended under the direction of the Attorney General: Provided, That such books shall to mg in all cases be transmitted to their successors in officeg all books mcspprchased thereunder to be marked plainly, “The property of the nited States,” $38,860, of which not to exceed 20 per centum, in United Bmw M the discretion of the Attorney General, may be used for the pur- ports,etc. chase of United States Reports and the Federal Reporter. rain:. ms·rrr¤·r1oxs Leavenworth Kansas Penitentia : For subsistence, includmg' L“¤,,_Y°,,“,',,,,“f*”·K'”‘ supplies from ,the fprisdn stores foxily warden, deputy warden, an 8 physician, tobacco or prisoners, kitchen and dining-room furniture