SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 204. 1924. 225 BUREAU or ronnicn AND nomnsrrc comunncn C‘}`u;•:jg;°¤¤;fiuQg8¤:;eS¤¤ Salaries: For the director and other personal services in the Dis- c{’S§)”ggf;]*· md °m¤° trict of Columbia in accordance with “The Classification Act of D ° 1923," $266,477. _ Commercial attaches: For commercial attaches, to be appointed C°mm°'°“l"°°°°hés‘ by the Secretary of Commerce, after examination to be held under his direction to determine their competency and to be accredited through the State Department, whose duties shall be to investigate and report upon such conditions in the manufacturing industries and trade of foreign countries as may be of interest to the United States; and for the compensation of a clerk or clerks for each com- °'“‘k“•°°"‘ mercial attaché at the rate of not to exceed $3,000 per annum for each person so employed, and for janitor and messenger service, travehng and subsistence expenses of officers and employees, rent °“"‘*°° '°'“‘ outside of the District of Columbia, purchase of furniture and equipment, stationery and su plies, typgyriting, adding and computing machines, accessories ami) repairs, ks of reference, and periodicals, reports, documents, plans, specifications, manuscripts, newspapers (both foreign and domestic) not exceedin $400, and all other publications, travel to and from the United States, and all other incidental ex not included in the foregoing; such commercial attaches rve directly under the Secretary of Commerce and shall report directly to him, $261,000: Prcmkled, That not to exceed mm, to dm two commercial attaches employed under this agprogriation may be i¤D¤p¤r¤¤¤¤¢· recalled from their foreign posts and assigned or uty in the Department of Commerce without loss of salary. Promoting commerce, Europe and other areas: For all necessary expenses, including investigations in Europe and other areas, purchase of furniture and equipment, stationery and sup lies, typewriting, adding and computing machines, accessories and re airs, purchase of booiks of reference and periodicals, maps, reports, documents, plans, s ifications, manuscripts, newspalpers (both foreign and omesticgwnot exceeding $400, and all other publications or the promotion of the commercial interests of the United States, rent 0¤•¤i¤•r•¤•· outside the District of Columbia traveling and subsistence expenses of officers and employees, and all other incidental expenses not included in the foregoing, to further promote and develop the foreign and domestic commerce of the United States $400,000, to be ex- _ pgpded under the direction of the Secretary of Commerce: Provided, §T,,°?§'·,,, um 1,,,. at not more than $25,000 of the foregoing sum may be used for ¤¤¢¢· personal services in Washington, District of Columbia: Provided Mmmm to my further, That not more than four trade commissioners employed mmpmmz. under this appropriation may be recalled from their foreign posts and assigned to duty in the Department of Commerce. _ _ District and Cooperative Office Service: For all expenses necessary mB§’g',;‘m“S‘;,$,€_;°“‘ to operate and maintain district and cooperative offices, including M¤i¤¤>¤¤¤¤¤,¤¢¢· personal services in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, rent outside of the District of Columbia, traveling and subsistence expenses of officers and employees, purchase of furniture and equipment, stationery and supplies, typewriting, adding and computing machines, accessories and repairs, urchase of maps, books of re - erence and periodicals, reports, diocuments, plans, specifications, - manuscrilpts, newspapers (both foreign and domestic) not exceeding $400, an all other publications necessary for the promotion of the commercial interests of the United Statw, and all other incidental expenses not included in the foregoin%e$181,000. _ romotinig commerce, South and ntral_Amer1ca: To further ¤.%°”°°'mq°°¤:3 promote an develop the commerce of the United States with South A-'*"‘°*· and Central America, including personal services in the District