SIXTY—EIGHTI-I CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 204. 1924. 235 operation of motor-propelled or horse-drawn vehicles for use in Held work, and for the purchase of surveying instruments, including extra. compensation at not to exceed $1 per day for each station to employees of the Lighthouse Service and the Weather Bureau while observing tides or currents, and the services of one tide observer in the District of Columbia at not to exceed $1 per day, and including compensation, not otherwise appropriated for, of ersons employe in the Held work, and commutation to officers of the Held force while on Held duty, at a rate not exceeding $3 per day each, to be ex ended in accordance with the regulations relating to the Coast and Gieodetic Survey prescribed by the Secretary of Commerce, and _ _ _ under the following heads: D}"‘“"““°“· Field expenses, t1antic`Coast: For surveys and necessary resur- §‘,°,§*u‘§§°§f',f§ Gu], veys of the Atlantic and Gulf coasts of the United States, includin Mwsthe coasts of outlying islands under the jurisdiction of the United ,,,,,,,0 States: Provided, That not more than $45,000 of this amount shall ulslandsf etc., Hmmbe expended on the coasts of said outlying islands, and the Atlantic °°s‘ entrance to the Panama Canal, $120,000. PaciHc coast: For surveys and necessary resurveys of coasts on P“°m° °°“*· ghe PaciHc Ocean under the jurisdiction of the United States, 314,300. Tides, currents, and so forth: For continuing researches in physi- g,,§’p*{,§,f§,§_;§‘ ""*'°‘ cal hydrography, relating to harbors and bars, and for tidal and current observations on the coasts of the United States, or other coasts under the jurisdiction of the United States, $29,000. _ Coast Pilot : For compilation of the Coast Pilot, including the em- °°”° m°°‘ ployment of such pilots and nautical experts in the Held and office . as may be necessary for the same, $6,800. _ M H M For continuing mejgnetic observations and to establish meridian e.,.,s,°‘E,'22, ° ° '"' lines in connection erewith in all parts of the United States; magnetic observations in other regions under the jurisdiction of the United States; purchase of additional magnetic instruments; leam of sites where necessary and erection of temporary magnetic buildings; continuing the line of exact levels between the Atlantic, Pacific, and Gulf coasts; establishing lines of exact levels in Alaska; determination of geolgraphical positions, by triangulation or traverse for the control of ederal, State, boundary, an other surveys and en- 'neering works in all parts of the interior of the United States and illaska; determination of Held astronomic positions; for contimung vit observations; for the maintenance and operation of the C,Q{;¤**'¤°°*Y· U'¤•¤· Eiiiturie observatorlv at Ukiah, California, not exeee ing $2,000; and ’ including the empypyment in the Held and office of such magnetic observers as may necessary, $134,800. For executing precise triangulation and leveling in regions sub- E¤¤¤¤¤¤*¤¤ r¤¤*¤¤=· ject to earthquakes, $12,000; _ _ _ _ _ p Hawaiian triangulation: For adjusting the triangulation of the ,8g{;{,‘f’°“°¤ ‘“°°¢“‘ Hawaiian Islands, including personal services in the District of Columbia and in the Held, $5,000; For special surveys that may be required by the Bureau of Light- SP°°“*f’“"°”· houses or other proper authority, and contingent expenses inci ent thereto, $4,500; _ For objects not herembefore named that may be deemed urgen? M¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤~ including the preparation or purchase of plans and speciHcations 0 vessels and the employment of such hull draftsmen in the Held and pjfgnlx office as may be necessary for the same; the reimbursement, under rules prescribed by the Secretary of Commerce, of ohicers of the Coast and Geodetic Survey for food, clothing, medicines, and other supplies furnished for the temporagg relief of distressed persons in remote localities and to shipwreck persons temporarily provided for by them, not to exceed a total of $550; actual necessary expenses