242 SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. SnSS.1. CHS. 204, 206, 207. 1924. Women’s Bureau," approved June 5, 1920, including personal services in the District of Columbia. and elsewhere, purchase of material for reports and educational exhibits, including newspaper clippings not exceeding $200, and traveling expenses, $107 ,380. mfm¥"°Y¤“’“°S°"‘ EMPLOYMENT snnvron w§2°g§°$ii$r§,w°1m° °f To enable the Secretary of Labor to foster, promote, and develop Obiectsdesisnared. the welfare of the wage earners of the United States, including juniors legally employed, to improve their working conditions, to advance their opportunities for profitable employment by regularly collecting, furnishing, and publishing employment information as to opportunities for employment; maintaining a system for clearing labor between the several States; cooperating with and coordinating the public employment offices throughout the country, including personal Services in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, and for their actual necessary traveling expenses while absent from their §’,‘j,§§";,$“6g*,§{“*°“°°· official station, together with their per diem in lieu of subsistence, ' when allowed pursuant to section 13 of the Sundry Civil Appropriation Act approved August 1, 1914; supplies and equipment, telegraph and telephone service, and miscellaneous expenses, $206,284. Approved, May 28, 1924. Mw 29’_,{§4' CHAP. 206.-An Act Providing for a recreational area within the Crook {11.11. 1 _ _
National Forest, Arizona.
C k N ti ml F r_ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the ..,St,ZI°};,, ° ° ° United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary ,m§C{¥$l§¤;:)*;EY&é{*;*;J?gg of Agriculture is hereby authorized, in his discretion, upon applicama. tion by the Board of Supervisors of Gila County, Arizona, to esignate and segregate for recreational development any lands, not to exceed six hundred and forty acres, within the Crook National Forest, Arizona, which in his opinion, are available for such purpose, and he is hereby authorized to enter into such form of cooperation with said Board of Sippervisors as in his opinion will permit the wt subject to mm fullest use of the lands_ or recreational purposes without interfering mg awe. with the objects for which the national forest was established. Lands so designated and segregated, under the provisions of this Act, shall not be subject to the mining laws of the United States. Approved, May 29, 1924. liiiiiiiiiiiizgiii CHAP. 207.--An Act To authorize the Secretary of War to grant permis- ` `fPut3 sion to the city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to widen Haines Street in front of the national cemetery, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. . . Be it enacted Zn the Senate and House 0 Re resentatives 0 the iiil£$p¤ii§Z"¤1i8;3¤n United States of {tlmeriea in Uongress assgmbtgd, That the S{acre— ‘{,j,,‘§fi‘,Q‘{“,§‘,§,,f,§’,,‘},‘,‘T”°'Y tary of War be, and he is hereby, authorized and empowered, in his discretion, to permit the city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to use and occupy for street purposes all or any part of a strip of land, eight feet six inches in width, off the south side of the Philadelphia Promo National Cemetery, in said city, and along the Haines Street oammious. frontage of said cemetery: Provided, That the said city shall remove the present stone wall marking the boundary line between said cemetery and said street and rade, build, and maintain a sidewalk and curb along the frontage of said cemetery and care for and maintain said street the same as other public streets of said city. Approved, May 29, 1924.