SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 234. 1924. 343 Sec. 1013. (a) The second proviso of the first section of the Act en- ¤g,'¤{,¤¤ Mgr my titled “An Act Authorizing the Commissioner of Internal Revenue smmiscmp mn ° to redeem or make allowance for internal-revenue stamps," approved V°l-31·P- 178- May 12, 1900, as amended, is amended to read as follows: “P1-voided ,,$"’2·°‘5°°*“m°“°‘ further, That no claim for the redemption of or allowance for stamps Claims zommaae in shall be allowed unless presented within four years after the pur- '°“’ W"' chase of such stamps from the G0vernment." (b) The exemption provided in paragraph (10) of subdivision mliiihiéiirdhiiifiiii a) of section 11 of the Revenue Act of 1916, and in subdivision °‘“°°°°°°mPa¤i°$·°‘°· 10 of section 231 of the Revenue Act of 1918, and in subdivision V,Xf’l3,,3§_§‘,‘§;,Z‘¥;,}% 10 of section 231 of the Revenue Act of 1921, shall be granted to ¤·?-$1 ' armers’ or other mutual hail, cyclone, or fire insurance companies (if otherwise exempt under such paragraphs), whether or not such organizations were of a purely local c aracter. Any taxes assessed against such organizations shall, subject to the statutory period of limitations properly applicable thereto, be abated, credited or refimded. LIMITATIONS UPON surrs AND rnocnmnmes BY rrm craxr-Arma. p,§,‘?,}f$* °‘°·· by “"' Sec. 1014. (a) Section 3226 of the Revised Statutes, as amended, ,,§,,,%,;dSf’°·“””·'°‘°‘°· is amended to read as follows: "SBc. 3226. No suit or proceeding shall be maintained in any ,,§,‘f,,'"§,,§’,§,'°°°,,,§',j°,,’f{',,,‘{,' court for the recovery of any internal-revenue tax alleged to have ;;¤gl={·°g§;°*ghP;°',;¢ been erroneously or illegally assessed or collected, or of any penalty mea. claimed to have been collected without authority, or of an sum v,,;_,2,,,_315,,,m,,,.;. alleged to have been excessive or in any manner wrongfulliy col- °d~ lected until a claim for refund or credit has been duly filed with the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, according to the provisions of law in that re rd, and the regulations of the Secretary of the Treasury establisiid in pursuance thereof; but such suit or pro- mIfQ§w“:,‘l”P'°”"· ceeding may be maintained, whether or not such tax, penalty, or Tam ummm sum has been aid under rotwt or duress No such suit or pro- mmf ° °" ceeding shall li; begun befbre the expiration of six months from the date of filing such claim unless the Commissioner renders a decision thereon within that time, nor after the expiration of five years from the date of the payment of such tax, penalty, or sum, unless such suit or proceeding is begun within two years after the disallowance of the part of such claim to which such suit or pro- Noummu 0, db ceedinig relates. The Commissioner shall within 90 days after any menus. such isallowance notify the taxpayer thereof by mail." (lz? This section sh 1 not affect any proceeding in court insti- ,¤m?'°°‘°°"’“‘°°‘ tute prior to the enactment of this Act. d t Sec. 1015. Section 3225 of the Revised Statutes, as amended, is ¤,.,,,B°.i°2§mJ§(,h?.£*°° repealed and any claim for credit or refimd of taxes imposed by m*§,§,;;,{°°·°"°·’·°‘°· the Revenue Act of 1916, the Revenue Act of 1917, the Revenue Act Claims fdr r¤f¤¤d¤ of 1918 the Revenue Act of 1921, or any such Act as amended, here- m’i?l,ii°mr?}}:li?t§ ww; tofore denied in whole or in part because of the provisions of such $§}; ,§_"·,,Y*§,,?"°· ‘°"‘ section may be reopened and decided without re erence to its provisions. , ms·rBA1N*r or BANK AcooUN’rS. e»£¤¤§'°`i°i°t°‘b°°k°° Sec. 1016. Section 3187 of the Revised Statutes is amended by §i°g?,,";?3¥g,t;{:,Q inserting after “ securities " the words " bank accounts" and a mendedcomma. PENALTIES. · P"““l""" , . . For willful failure to bac. 1017. (a) Any person required underthis Act to pay any tax, my tu, museum. or required by law or regulations made under authority thereof to °"{;d_,,,,,_m,,m,;. make a return, keep any records, or supply any information, for the *1-
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