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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/378

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S.[XTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. 'Sess. I. Ch. 234. 1924. 347 PAYIENT or Arm 111:01-:11-·rs rox •rAxns. “1§’:;;;':¤{g}t2;e;f¤¢ Sec. 1021. (a)_ Collectors may receive, at par with an adjustment .,,,I{$g§§$,,’§§°§°unT,§§i for accrued mterest, notes or certiiicates of indebtedness isued by the }§.‘°§u,°Q_‘r°°*,,§8n°°°°8t¥;gd United States and uncertified checks in payment of income, war- mee D profits, and excess-profits taxes and any other taxes payable other v°]°42'°‘3l°' than by stamcp, during such time and under such rules and regulations as the ommissioner, with the a proval of the Secretary, shall prescribe; but if a check so received) is not paid by the bank on L'°b“*‘Y'°'°‘*°°‘“· which it is drawn the person by whom such check has been tendered shall remain liable for the payment of the tax and for all legal pgcnalties and additions to the same extent as if such check had not n tendered. (b) Every collector to whom any payment of any income tax is b,,1§°$$;{°{',°y{§’,iuE,$‘,{§';,i§ made shall upon request give to the person making such payment a ’°Q,*yé P W mm full written or printed receipt, stating the amount (paid and the par- wg ' ’ ticular account for which such payment was ma e; and whenever m,°c,',l$}’§,°,§_'°' ’°’°` any debtor pays taxes on account of payments made or to be made by him to separate creditors the co lector shall, if requested by such debtor, give a separate receipt for the tax paid on account of each creditor in such orm that the debtor can conveniently produce such receipts separatel to his several creditors in satisfaction of their respective demands up to the amounts stated in the receipts; and such receipt shall be suficient evidence in favor of such de for E'*‘*°“°° °““ Wdto justify him in withholding from his next payment to his creditor 8 d t mam _ the amount therein stated; but the creditor may, upon giving to his ¤¤p`i:y';i¤¤°{¤$ um. debtor a full written receipt acknowledging the payment to him of any sum actually paid and accepting the amount of tax paid as aforesaid (specifying the ame) as a further satisfaction of the debt to that amount, require the surrender to him of such collector’s recei t. (ci) In the payment of any tax under this Act not epayable by F'“°“°'“°"°°"‘· stamp a fractional part of a cent shall be disresglard unless it ampunts to one-half cent or more, in which case it all be increased to cent. (d) Section 37 of the Act of August 27, 1894 entitled "An Act To ,,;,$°{,,§’§,?l‘Qi.?i°“ '°' reduce taxation, to provide revenue for the Government, and for p°X,gd_”» ¤· °°°· *°· other purposes,” is hereby repealed. unmoo or oonnmcmrm mx. °°"°°°i°° ""’" Sec. ghfthefvorvnogézhe m%§d of colliectilpg any 333 £.g£"§i:§$$‘$3“i§. TEE; impose it es , , or is spec` ca y rovi "‘ "°"“‘°· ”‘°_ therein, any such tax may, rinder regélcations prescribed by Sie Com- ziifcigyiiiliiinai-me missioner with the approval of the retary, be collecte by stamp, ‘ coutgon, serial-numbered ticket, or such other reasonable evice or me od as may be necessary or helpful in securing a complete and prompt collection of the tax. All administrative and penalty plro- §'j§,“}:‘;§,’_‘§,°“‘ visions of Title VIII, in so far as applicable, shall apply to the co ection of ang tax which the Commissioner determines or prescribes shall be co ected in such manner.

ovnnrammrvrs Arm ovmconnncrroxs. m$¤¤°i£¤°is°lm°°is md Sm. 1Q23. In the case of any oveppayment or overcollection of ,,¤$.'.?.§‘.i°“}0,‘f“‘},; any tax imposed by Title V or VI, e person making such over- payment or overcollection may take credit therefor taxes Vinum due upon any month] - return, and shall make refund o any exces· · sive amount collected by him upon proper application by the person entitled thereto.