SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cas. 17, 1s. 1924. 7 S1-:0. 2. That articles so manufactured shall be sold at the current w§;{giP}‘j;g°diwd *° market prices as determined by the Attorney General or his au- 8 ` thorized agent, and all moneys or reimbursements received from such sales shall be deposited to the credit of the working capital fund created by this Act. Sec. 3. That the Attorney General is hereby authorized and ,0}’{£§gf°·" t° ‘°° Pm empowered to provide for the payment of the inmates or depend- i ents upon inmates of said penitentiary such pecuniary earnings as he may deem proper, under such rules and regulations as ·l1e may prespribe. Such earnings shall be paid out of the working capital un . _ Sec. 4. That there is hereb authorized to be appropriated the buiiZirp¤gZ?€1§°$1§T;Y1s¤i(§$ sum of $200,000, to be used for the erection of a factory or fac- °"j;0,, p_,5_ tories, and such other buildings as may be necessary, and for the ’ purchase of suitable equipment and machinery to carry out the purposes of this Act. W mf d Sec. 5. That there is to be created a fund, to be known as the ema{$ii?°g°°p` un working capital, which shall be available for the carrying on the industrial enterprises authorized herein or which may be authorized _ hereafter by law to be carried on in said penitentiary. The working §¤‘{,’§},’{,‘ff}§Y”‘°d‘ capital shall consist of the sum of $250,000, which sum is authorized _ to be appropriated. The receipts from the sale of the products or mI§°§§{§,,°§0Y° b° °“°d` by-products of the said industries and the sale of condemned machinery or eqpipment shall be credited to the workin capital fund and be availa le for appropriation by Congress annuailly. _ Sec. 6. That at the opening of each regular session of Congress the p,,R°{§'J53§‘}‘° '°` Attorney General shall make a detailed report to Congress of the ‘ receipts and expenditures made hereunder, the quantit of material of different kinds bought or otherwise acquired and used; the number of persons employed, the hours of labor and the wages paid, the amount and kind of goods manufactured and the prices paid therefor, the amount used in said penitentiary, the amount sold, the prices, and total amount received therefor. Sec. 7. That said working ca ital shall be disbursed under the ,,§fuX¥’$,'§§§,,,g Iggllffgff direction of the Attorney General)and shall be available for the purchase, repair, or replacement of machinery or eqluipment, for the purchase of raw materials or parts, for the employment of necessary civilian officers and employees at the penitentiary and in Washington, for the repair and maintenance of buildings and equipment, and for all other necessary expenses in carrying out the provisions of this Act. _ Src. 8. That the products of said industries shall not be disposed ,,,§§’§’,‘,3,‘,§{1 °'*"°°“°’° of except as provided in this Act. Src. 9. It is hereby made obligatory upon the various departments 0b{}Q,T§;,“,€",;°,‘§f,},’,§°d(§’§$€ of the Government to purchase the products of the business herein ¤¤¤¤¤°¤*> d¤P¤¤¤¤¢¤¤~ authorized to be carried on in the penitentiary at Leavenworth, Kansas, until the supply therein produced is exhausted before purchasing elsewhere. _ _ Src. 10. That all laws and parts of laws to the extent that they are p§,§§5‘°°mg 1‘“" "' in conflict with this Act are repealed. Approved, February 11, 1924. CHAP. 18.-An Act To extend the time for the completion of the municipal Fetililégigiidgmi bridge approaches, and extensions or additions thereto, by the city of Saint l?¤bii°»N°·i3·l Louis, within the States of Illinois and Missouri. Be it enacted 6 the Senate and House o Re rese-zztatives of the _ _ _ , United States of glmerica in Congress assemiebledgj That the time for gfienldgriaim the construction and completion of the municipal bridge ap- §’_f,‘§%,,_ by S“"“ preaches, and also extensions or additions thereto, which said con- wV<>*-,g*é;v(,°4f1t1V*;§- struction and completion was authorized by an Act entitled, “An w§:i°` ' `