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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/380

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SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. S1:ss.I. Ch. 234. 1924. 349 Losr sraarrs ron r0sA00o, crease, Ann so ronrrr. Rgéwging or rm Sm. 1027. Section 3315 of the Revised Statutes, as amended, is agilsisidllping p°°k` reenacted without change, as follows: " Src. 3315. The Commissioner of Internal Revenue may, under ,,,§§‘,§§ *g'{,§*,;{"i'·°d,m§,‘f regulations prescribed by him with the approval of the Secretary of V¤{§¤¤1v1<>¤¤.§c· _ the Treasury, issue stamps for restamping packages of distilled vbiST`ii?°f$.3aliiiZp‘°4°' spirits, tobacco, cigars, snuff, ci rettes, fermented liquors, and wines which have been uly stamped illit from which the stamps have been lost or destroyed by unavoidable accident." coivsonmarron or nmnirrr soma Tax nxnmrrrons. LM"' *’°“"’·· °°°· Sec. 1028. The various Acts authorizing the issues of Liberty ,,§°,,‘}}‘,i?§§’,‘f‘i°“ °‘ ‘“‘ bonds are amended and supplemented as follows; egV01-42.p.317,umcnd· (a) On and after January 1, 1921, 4 per centum and 4} per centum iioamemon or A1- Liberty bonds shall be exempt from graduated additional income L2Zd““i§',,,,f,’§§’§}‘g,,,,“T°d“' taxes, commonly known as surtaxes, and excess-proiits and warprofits taxes, now or hereafter imposed by the United States upon -the income or profits of individuals, partnerships, corporations, or associations, in respect to the interest on aggregate principal amounts thereof as follows: _ _ Until the expiration of twtzyears after the date of the termination ,,,H'},?1v$Z,'}‘f,{$*${,“,P'”' of the war between the Uni States and the German Government, as fixed by proclamation of the President, on $125,000 aggregate principal amount; and for three years more on $50,000 aggregate F°'""°°’°“'“”°'°‘ principal amount. (b) The exemptions provided in subdivision (a) shall be in addi- .,$,.;‘,l,j¢${,‘{,'§'}l ‘° ""°' tion to the exemptions provided in section 7 of the Second Liberty V -*°·P·2”*- Bond Act, and in addition to the exemption provided in subdivision V 01 (3) of section 1 of the Supplement to the Second Liberty Bond Act `4°' p`°°°‘ in respect to bonds issued upon conversion of 3} per centum bonds, bmw Mmmpmm. but shall be in lieu of the exemptions provided and free from the dugrizthe war- 1 conditions and limitations imposed in subdivisions (1) and (2) of °`4°' pp' °°5' 13 °‘ section 1 of the Supplement to the Second Liberty Bond Act and in section 2 of the Victory Liberty Loan Act. Dnrosir or tmrrnn s·rA·rr;s norms on Norms m LIEU or smznrr. mf§f°’°‘ "°“° °‘ _ Sm. 1029. Wherever by the laws of the United States or regula- ¤¤‘i$°i£’ii$i¤ ollpergelxiialel tions made pursuant thereto, any person is required to furnish any "‘{,°,§}f°,,,_ ,,_,,,,_ recognizance, stipulation, bond, guaranty, or undertaking, hereinafter called " penal bond," with surety or sureties, such person may, in lieu of such surety or sureties, deposit as security wit the official having authoritioto approve such penal bond, United States Liberty bonds or other nds or notes of the United States m a sum equal at their par value to the amount of such penal bond recgiired to be furnished, together with an agreement authorizing suc official to collect or sell such bonds or notes so deposited in case of any default ' m the performance of any of the conditions or stipulations of such Im, wm penal bond. The acceptance of such United States bonds or notes in lieu of surety or sureties required by law shall have the same force and effect as individual or co rate sureties, or certified checks, bank drafts, post-office mone oddlsrs, or cash, for the penalty or _ _ I amoimt of such nal bond. The bonds or notes deposited herenmder D °°°'"'"°° °" and such other lflgnited States bonds or notes as may be substituted therefor from time to time as such securitiy, may be deposited with tig; Tgeasurer of1tl1edUnitedte(€;t;1tes,tha ederal ieseélve bank, or cer epositary uy a or atpurpose y eSecretary, which shall issue receipt erefor, describing such bonds or notes so