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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/384

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S1XTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 234. 1924. 353 Revenue Act of 1921 repealed by this Act, if there is a tax im- REVENUE Ac" °E*”*- posed by this Act in lieu thereof, the provision imposing such tax shall remain in force until the corresponding tax under this Act takes eifect under the provisions of this Act. _ (c) The repeal of Title II and Title IV of the Revenue Act of esiiigiilxgiiiiililgiiigci 1921 shall not be construed to take away the retroactive benefits }’§§EE‘E EEEEE AE °‘ allowed by paragraph (12) of subdivision (a) of section 214 or para- 42, pp. 241, 257. graph (14) of subdivision (a) of section 234, of the Revenue Act ’ ‘ of 1921, or by section 401 or 403 of such Act. · nncrsnarivn nnnrrmc snnvicn. wIéi$€l°m° dmmng Sec. 1101. Section 1303 of the Revenue Act of 1918 is amended by i}wgii°g°iB`,fn°;ii1°’iii$§ addin at the end thereof a new subdivision to read as follows: °m,§f;§‘;d;,mm 0, my “(d§ After this subdivision takes eifect the legislative drafting I¤¢iv¤ ¤>¤¤¤¤1- service shall be known as the office of the legislative counsel, and the two draftsmen shall be known as legislative counsel. The positions Si(f},1,§,°‘§*,f,§{, i'j§’C‘f,§§g°§§ of legislative counsel shall be allocated from time to time by the <=¤$g{¤+22~j¤· ml President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representa— p` ` tives, jointly, to the appropriate grade in the compensation schedules of section 13 of the Classification Act of 1923. The rate of compensa- EQ ‘§Y;,8,,_ tion of each of the two legislative counsel shall be fixed from time to time, within the limits of such grade, b the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Igepresentatives, respec- _ tively. The increased compensation provided for in this subdivision D"' shall, when fixed, be in lieu of the salary specified in subdivision (a). _ The legislative counsel shall have the same privilege of free trans- mfg? "°”S"“”i°“ °’ mission of official mail matter as other officers of the United States Government? oovnnnmnrrr AcrUARr.` ,,§i°'°'“”‘°"° Mt"' Sec. 1102. The salary of the Government Actuary, so long as the p,§g‘§§‘,§’i¤@'{,°,§,€,?§‘€_ '°' position is held by the present incumbent, shall be at the rate of $7,500 a year. savmo cmnsn in nvnivr or Unoonsmrurroxamrr. S"‘"”‘ °1“““‘ Sec. 1103. If any provision of this Act, or the application thereof pri>ii·`1?z•iigitia.?i»¤$K to any person or circumstances, is held invalid the remainder of the :g°°*m¤“¤•*•' °"*°*• Act, an the application of such provision to other persons or circum- ` stances, shall not be aifected thereby. nmmorrvn num or Aer. E“°°""° "“‘“· Sec. 1104. Except as otherwise provided, this Act shall take eifect U"°" °"“°““°“" upon its enactment. TITLE XII.———REDUCTIO§NOF INCOME TAX PAYABLE t§$,‘§‘§§t§Y§‘,§f,‘§;QYm° 1924. Sec. 1200. (a) Any taxpayer maldng return, for the calendar year ;,,,‘*£‘§,§°Y°°°° °" em 1923, of the taxes imposed by Parts I and H of·Title II of the ‘,Z:};*I§·gg,“""m· Revenue Act of 1921 shall be entitled to an allowance by credit or ` ` refund of 25 per centum of the amount shown as the tax upon his return. _ (b) If the amount shown as the tax upon the return has been paid us d if in full on or before the time of the enactment of this Act, the amount of the allowance rovided in subdivision (a) shall be credited or refunded as providied in section 281 of this Act. cx _¤"_ (c) If the taxpayer has elected to y the tax in installments and, .¤1g°Y»°¤i"xm¤nm¤¤: at the time of the enactment of this guest, the date prescribed for the "’”"“‘°‘·