SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ons. 243, 244. 1924. 363 e The Secretar of War shall ad`ust and a raise the value Appmisal °* me at (tge time of tran§er, of all assets triansferred if the corporatioii tmSfm°d’ em under this Act, and such value shall be entered upon the books of the corporation. . . . (f) In the determination of the running of the statute of limita- e¤§i°.i$14iip(iiti1(ii1°°tl°°’ tions or of any prescriptive right, the period of time shall be computed in the same manner as though this Act had not been passed. Approved, Jime 3, 1924. CHAP. 244.-An Act Providing for sundry matters affecting the Military gliiliuiésisgsisij Establishment, [Public, N 0. 186.] Be it enacted b the Semtte and House 0 Re resentatives 0 the . United States ofyAmer2Zca in Congress asagmblgd, That sectiolii 87 Aclilatiiiiiiil Dmmsc of the National Defense Act of June 3, 1916, as amended, be, and ,dY°l‘3°’p‘2°5’“m°”°' the same is hereby, amended by adding thereto the following proviso: _ "A·nd provided further, That property issued to the National I;$f,°I,1§ta,lG$.§1;v;0,,. Guard and which has become unserviceable through fair wear and {’,§‘$},§'_‘;°,f,“f·°*°··m“Y tear in service, may, after inspection thereof and finding to that effect made by an officer of the Regular Army designated by the St tc t H od Secretary of War, be sold or otherwise disposed of, and the State, [rama i·és;i0ii§1bii°n;l Territory, or District of Columbia, accountable, shall be relieved fiéplm Siirther accountggnitydtheregor; sgilcili inspection, 11;% sale gr 0 er sposition, to ma e un er re ations prescri y the . . Secretary of War, and to constitute as to such property a discretional ed i°>ii1iiiil Substitute for the examination, report, and disposition provided for V°l‘ 3°’ *" m" elsewhere in this section." T . , OINBHOM Sec. 2. That section 92 of the National Defense Act of June 3, owe. E %9h6, as amended, be, and the same is hereby, amended to read as ,,dY°1‘3°’°‘2°°'“m°“°` o ows: . ‘f Sec. 92. 'I‘nAnm~xc or run NA-rroiur. Guam:.-Under such regu- d*‘m· °*°·· lations as the Secretary of War shall prescribe, each company, troop, ` battery, and detachment in the National Guard shall assemble for drill and instruction, includin indoor target practice, not less than forty-eight times each year, and shall, in addition thereto, partici ate in encampments, maneuvers, or other exercises, including outdbor target practice, at least fifteen days in training each year, including target practice, unless such company, troop, battery, or detachment shal have been excused from articipation in any) part thereof by F , the Secretary of War: Proviid, That an assem ly for drill and Ammbny mr mm instruction may consist of a sing?) duly ordered formation of a g“,,‘§,,,,,,‘,§‘,’§{,'°§',${§’,§‘,,,,,,,'f’“ company, troop, battery, or detac ent or when so authorized by the Secretary of War of a series of duly ordered formations of subdivisions or arts thereof, but in the latter case the series of formations of subdivisions or groups must comprehend and include the entire organization, and must be included within the time limit Attendance at sew of seven consecutive days within a calendar month. The sum total rate consecutive formaof the attendance at all the separate consecutive formations an- "°"" noigiced as crilnstitutirig tléat assemblybshalil be lpounted asl the sgi .ten ance at the actua m` `ta assem or the r uire peri . . . of time; but no officer, warrgiit officer,yor enlistedminan shall be cmu mi lmml coimted more than once, nor receive credit for more than one required period of actual military attendance even though he may have attended more than one of the formations which constitute mmm pmm, the assembly for the required period of time: Provided further, That veiodcredit for an assembly for drill or for indoor target ractiee shall not be given imless the number of officers and enlxstedp men present for duty at such assembly shall equal or exceed a minimum to be
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