SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cris. 27-29. 1924. 11 CHAP. 2'7.—An Act To authorize the Highway Commission of the State F¤br¤¤ry16,19?»4- of Montana to construct and maintain a bridge across the Yellowstone River at or near the city of Glendive, Montana. [P“b’“’* N°· 22] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the , _ United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Highway iriiiiydiidgyiiiiige, Commission of the State of Montana be, and is hereby, authorized GI°“‘“"‘*· to construct and maintain a bridge and approaches thereto, comprising part of the Federal aid highway system of Montana, across the Yellowstone River at a point suitable to the interests of navigation, at or near the city of Glendive, Dawson County, Montana, in section 35, township 16 north, range 55 east, Montana meridian, C nm t. in accordance with the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to V(i>l.34,(i>i(i§i1: regulate the construction of bridges over navigable waters," approved March 23, 1906. Amendment nc. 2. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is ` hereby expressly reserved. Approved, February 16, 1924. CHAP. 28.—An Act To authorize the Norfolk and Western Railway Com- F°br§?r{§%2f]1924' pany to construct a. bridge across the Tug Fork of the Big Sandy River at or near a point about a mile and a half west of Williamson, Mingo County, West Virginia, and near the mouth of Turkey Creek, Pike County, Kentucky. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re resentatives of the _ United States of America in Congress assembled: That the Norfolk sgiit $$11;, °f Big and lVestern Railway Company, a cor oration organized under the R§,f,',§’;k““0X',;“pg°n",Z laws of the State of Virginia and autiiorized to do business in the may bridge, between State of West Virginia and to possess and operate a railway in Ken- QQTED? §§£”;E§i W' tucky, its successors and assigns, be, and they are hereby, authorized to construct, maintain, and operate, a bridge and approaches thereto across the Tu Fork of the Big Sandy River at a point suitable to the interests 0% navigation at or near a point about a mile and a half west of Williamson, Mingo County, W'est Virginia, and near the mouth of Turkey Creek, Pike County, Kentucky, where the said Tug Fork forms the boundary line between the States of \Vest Virginia C,,,,Sm,c,i,,,,_ and Kentucky, in accordance with the provisions of the Act to regu- "°'·3·*· 1*8*- late the construction of bridges over navigable waters, approved March 23, 1906. Sec. 2. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby ‘*"“°°d“‘°'"‘ expressly reserved. Approved, February 16, 1924. CHAP. 29.-An Act Extending the time for the construction of a bridge F°b'§r{5§§j]1924‘ across Fox River by the city of Aurora, Illinois, and granting the consent of Congress to the removal of an existing dam and to its replacement with a new ' structure. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Regresentatives of the Fox mm United States of America in Congress assemb d, That the times grime extended rmfor commencing and completing the construction of a bridge author- §§"{,§,"f§,,,‘§§§f¤‘}f°“°h ized by an Act of Con ess approved February 15, 1923, to be built aggacdv. p· 1256. by the city of Aurora, Tiane County, Illinois, across the west branch ' of tpe gl ox Riveg, arefhereby eiitindedfthree and five years, respective om the ate 0 a rova ereo . Sabi 2. That the consgrila of Congress is hereby granted to the ,,I£°,-§§ii£J$i r°m°v°d removal of the dam now existing in the west branch of Fox River near Main Street, in said city, and its replacement with a new dam approximately a distance of one hundred and sixty-five feet northerly