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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/421

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390 SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHs. 262-264. 1924. P¤¤*¤¤· *=¤°S’°*· iiciaries of the United States Veterans’ Bureau by purchase and i'a¤g’1»·i·1°‘£¤¢°°t“°°¤°°’ remodeling or extension of existing plants, and by construction on sites now owned by the Government or on S1tBS to be acqu1red bty purchase, condemnation, gift, or otherwise, such hospitals an outpatient d1spensary faci ities, to include the necessary buildings and um mr auxiliary structures, mechanical equipment, approach work, roads,

 and trackstge fgihties leading tl5ertto;dztt11d also to pfovidg 3.{5COI;l-

°°¤*°”- od tion or 0 cers nurses an a en g personne · an a so 0 giovide roper and suitablenecreational centers; and,the Director ,,,,@"}“°° °' °°”“` of the United States Veterans’ Bureau IS authorized to accept gifts or donations for any of the purposes named herein. Such hospital ,.§°§.§$§f“' °°°* plants and training school to be constructed shall be of Hreproof construction and existing plants purchased shall be remodeled to be iireproof, and the location and nature_there0f, whether for the treatment of tuberculous, neuropsychiatric, or general medical and surgical cases, shall be in the d1scretion of the Director of the United , States Veterans’ Bureau, subject to the approval of the President: Utilization or Gpv~ P¢·amZded,h02oejver, That the Director, with the approval of the Presi- °mrg,lD:?:,°wmdbm1d` 661112, maydulglhltg Stlflh Sléltgble bu1ld1ngs,b(gtruct1frt;)i, ind grounds ' now owne e United States as may avai a e or the purposes aforesaill, and the President is hereby authorized, by Executive order, to transfer any such buildings, structures, and grounds to the Ignite? States Veterans’ Bureau upon the request of the Director thereo . ¤ °°d Sec. 2. That for carrying into eféct the_preceding paragraph re-

  • ’°"·P*’·““·m* lating to add1tional hospital and out·pat1ent dispensary facilities

there is hereby author1zed_t0 be appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of $6,850,000, Amm M Mk to be immediately available an to remain available until expended. men zsmma, me That not to exceed 3 per centum of this sum shall available for ·

  • “‘°°·° · the employment m the District of Columbia and m the field of

necessary techmcal and clerical assistants at the customary rates of compensation, exclus1vely_t0 aid in the preparation of the plans and s ifications for the projects authorized herein and for the su er- P‘2° . P vision of the execution thereof, and for traveling expenses and fieldoffice equipment and supplies in connection therewith. Approved, June 5, 1924. 1 , .

 _ 0HAP._288.—An_Act To repeal the first proviso of section 4 of an Act t0estab·

°· °· m- heh a national park in the Territory of Hawaii, approved August 1, 1916. A L 8 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the ¤».§§g"39‘;4; "°“"U1.ea1 sam 9; America in Congress wmtzaz, me the first sd, ' ’°m°°d prmgyisol of sictiontg tg an Act efiftthed "A’;n Act to establish a I l H H . na xona par_ in e erritory 0 waii approved An st 1 wgum .tZ$,§°,p."T'T.,l§_` 1916, winch is in words and iigures following; “£mvided, 'I€l1t Di; '°*’°°’°‘i· appropriation for the mamtenance, supervision, and improvement 0 said park m excess of $10,000 annually shall be made unless the:1 xxgie shall Itavt) first lute; expressly authorized by law," be, an same is ere y, repea . Approved, Jime 5, 1924. June 5, 1924. ‘ - .-lH..~ R.-w’8.—}_. CHAP. 264.-A A M ‘ ‘ ¤»··=¤¤¤·¤¤·¤»»¤ nam at as sad all en£;gJ1ilri)ggl)Ijrl89gg§1Sanl‘l)1i0*rh§tli21?I;> ;·of th° . Be it enacted b the S t d H ‘ [ t nor pe [ n · V y • gnu e an UNSC of RGPTCSCW/tdtZ'U€8 of the ¤P1;1*:¤”°**°¤§ur me t pmied States of Amqrwa in Congress assembled, That the foll0W· ing sums are appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not