SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Ssss. I. Ch. 264. 1924. 393 For the United States Geological Survey: For engraving the G°°l°¤*°°’ Sumy- iHustrations necessary for the annual report of the director and for the monographs, professional papers, bulletins, water-supply papers, and the report on mineral resources, and for printing and binding the same publications, of which sum not more than $45,000 may be used for engraving, $110,000; for miscellaneous printing an b1I1(l.lI.\§ $10,000; in_ all, $120,000. _ For the ureau of MIHBS, including prmting, engraving of illus- Mm B'”°°“· trations, and binding bulletins, technical papers, miners’ circulars and other publications to carry out the purposes of the Act of ` February 25, 1913, not to exceed $40,000; for miscellaneous printingrand binding, not to exceed $10,000; not to exceed in all, $50,000. or the Patent Office: For printing the weekly issue of patents, P°°°“°°m°" designs, trade-marks, prints, and labels, exclusive of illustrations; and for printing, engraving illustrations and binding the OfHcial Gazette, including weekly and annual indices, $730,000; for miscellaneous printing and binding, $70,000; in all, $800,000. ormcm or somorron. $°“°*¤¤"¤•m°•· For personal services in the District of Columbia in accordance °m°°P°¤°¤¤¤'· with the Classilication Act of 1923, $124,000. GENERAL LAND OFFICE. G°¤°¤lI·•¤d °*¤°•· sananms. For Commissioner of the General Land Office and other personal ,,¤$,‘§ "G services in the District of Columbia in accordance with the Classification Act of 1923, $885,920. seminar. nxmivsms. For per diem in lieu of subsistence, at not exceeding $4, of °"`”’i'"° examiners and of clerks detailed to inspect offices of United States surveyors general and other offices in public land service, to investigate fraudulent land entries, trespasses on the public lands, and cases of official misconduct, actual necessary expenses of transportation, including necessary sleeping-car fares, and for empltogment of stenographers and other assistants wherrnecessary to e eiicient co1}d1;::t (<§uexam§1:nIt;i;>xr:,Iiand${v,vl)1(<;:)1 authorized by the Commissionero the eral ce, . · For connected and separate United States and other maps, gpm- l{»Z5i»¤¤¤¤. ared in the General Land Office $18,000, all of which maps all _ Ee delivered to the Senate and I·House of Representatives, except 10 per centum, which shall be delivered to the Commissioner of the Genera1~ Land Office for official purposes. All maps delivered to the St;1iatethancllHoused 0; Representatives hereunder shall be moun W1 ro ers rea or use. For separate State and Territorial maps of public·land States, m%€.’}?°'“°T"'°"i" including maps showing areas designated by the Secretary of the mg,{°'¤°d "°‘“°‘ Interior under the enlarged-homestead Acts, prepared m the General Land Qllice, $1,500. _ _ _ Fmupplmm For appliances in connection with filing system, $3,000. rmsmc LAND smzvxcs. Pubucmdl Surveyors General: For salaries of surveyors general, clerks in their offices, and contingent expenses, including office rent, ·""‘·P·"’· pay of messengprs, stationery, drafting instruments, typewriters, umiture, fuel, 'ghts, books of reference for office use, post·office box
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