SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 264. 1924. 395 oilicial plats of surveys on file, and other plats constituting a part of the records of said office, to furnish local land offices with the same, and for reproducing by photolithography original plats of surveys prepared in the offices of surveyors general, $5,000. —·-· Registers and receivers: For salaries and commissionsof registers e,§°¤*S'*"“ ""d '°°°"‘ of district land offices and receivers of public moneys at district land Prwfwoffices, at not exceeding $3,000 per annum each, $315,000: Provided, mggiixgg J°¤il¤°`il That the offices of registers and receivers at the followin land offices ‘”’·{,5_;,_ ,2, ,,_ M_ shall be consolidated on June 1, 1925, and the applicabgn provisions of the Act approved October 28, 1921, shall be followed in effecting such consolidations: Little Rock and Harrison, Arkansas; Eureka and Sacramento, California; Denver, Colorado; Hailey and Blackfoot, Idaho; Bozeman, Montana; Las Cruces Roswell Clayton, and Fort Sumner, New Mexico; Burns La Grande, and Vale, Ore- _ _ gon; and Rapid City, South Dakota: Provided further, That where ,,,,€.’,‘;,,“{’§,1‘g¥"§',‘Q§,‘,,,‘f,';,_°°' a vacancy shall occur in the offices of register or receiver in said land offices prior to June 1, 1925, consolidation shall be effective as of the date of such vacancy. _ Contingent expenses of land offices: For clerk hire, rent, and other $],‘$,§‘,E"§,'F°3‘,§§,f"’°"“°°· incidenta expenses of the district land offices, including the expenses _ of depositing public money; per diem, in lieu of subsistence, of clerks P" °'°'“‘ detailed to examine the books and management of district land offices and to assist in the operation of said offices, and in the opening of new land offices and reservations, when allowed pursuant to section 13 of the Sund Civil Appropriation Act approved August 1, 1914, V°l‘38’p'°°°' and for actulal necessary traveling expenses of said clerks: _ Provided, That no expenses chargeable to the Government shall §','§".'°g;,sum;t,d_ be incurred by registers and receivers in the conduct of local land offices except upon previous Ozpecific authorization by the Commissioner of the General Land ce, $355,000. Depredations on public timber, protecting public lands, and m?m$ settlement of claims for swamp land and swamp—land indemnity: l%’m°f“,§*°,,;u For protecting timber on` the public lands, and for the more ` eilicient execution of the law and rules relating to the cutting thereof; of protecting public lands from illegal and fraudulent entry or appropriation, and of adjusting claims for swamp lands, and indemnity for swamp lands, $460,000, including not exceeding $35000 for the purchase of motor-propelled passenger·carr(ying ve- V°*“°‘°°· °‘°· hicles for the use of agents and others employed in the Hel service and for operation, maintenance, and exchagge of same and for Pm operation and maintenance of a motor boat: rovided, That agents raaigiasummam. and others employed under this appropriation may be allowe (per V°*·‘”·*’·““°· diem in lieu of subsistence, pursuant to section 13 of the Sun ry Civil Appropriation Act approved August 1,h 1914, and actual necessa ex nses for tran rtation, except w en agents are employedriiii Allfska they maysplie allowed not exceeding $5 per day I°‘u”k°` each in lieu of subsistence. H . in md m_ Hearings in land entries: For hearings or other proceedings held mslmm by order of the Commissioner of the General Land Office to determine the character of lands, whether alleged fraudulent entries are of thatcharacter or have been made in compliance with law, , . and of hearings in disbarment proceedings, $15,000: Provwed, nepusumam. That where depositions are taken for use in such hearings the fees of the officer taking them shall be 20 cents per folio for taking and certifying same and 10 cents per folio for each copy furnished to a party on request. _ Restoration of lands in forest reserves: To enable the Secretary § .§¤.. of the Interior to advertise the restoration to the public domain °*°° °' ‘“"’*"· of lands in forest reserves or of lands temporarily withdrawn for forest reserve purposes, $2,000.
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/426