SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 264. 1924. 399 Indians, $$,000, said funds to be expended under such regulations P¤*°¤¤S¤ ¤>¤¤¤dS*¤r- and conditions as the Secretary of the Interior may prescribe. , For maintenance and support and improvement of the homesteads au]d1.g`p:Sch(ei§fn(i,.k11‘i1.b8s’ of the Kiowa, Comanche, and Apache Tribes of Indians in Oklahoma, $200,000, to be paid from the funds held by the United States 1Q’§°“;@“°”°*}· hs"? in trpst for said Ingians and to be expended under such rules and §&=¤&s»<=r<¥Y 0 mm regu ations as the ecretary of the Interior ma rescribe: Pro- P""’(§°;, 0 vided, That the Secretary of the Interior shall rgpdirt to Congress Hep t {C mess` on the first Monday in December, 1925, a detailed statement as to all moneys expended as provided for herein. _ INDUSTRIAL ASSISTANCE AND ADVANCEMENT. L“d‘“"*“* "’°'k· °*°· For the purposes of preserving living and growing timber on In- ag1mb°rpr°S°"atl°°’ dian reservations and allotments, and to educate Indians in the M t proper care of forests; for the employment of suitable persons as °r°°S` matrons to teach Indian women and girls housekeeping and other household duties, for necessary traveling expenses of such matrons, and for furnishing necessary equipments and supplies and renting _ _ quarters for them where necessary; for the conducting of experi- ,,,;,‘§$;°""“'“‘ °"’°“' ments on Indian school or agency farms designed to test·the possibilities of soil and climate in the cultivation of trees, grains, vege- Farmers and smck_ tables, cotton, and fruits, and for the employment of practical farm- men. ers and stockmen, in addition to the agency and school farmers now employed; for necessary traveling expenses of such farmers and stockmen and for furnishing necessary. equipment and supplies for 1,,,,,,, mmm and them; and for superintending and directing farming and stock nursesraising among Indians, $370,000, of which sum not less than $50,000 Pr _ shall be used for the employment of field matrons and nurses: Pro- M$°£$$m newoided, That the foregoing shall not, as to timber, apply to the "“°"f“· _ Menominee Indian Reservation in Wisconsin: Provided further, m§{,’§·_ °‘°·· °‘p°“' That not to exceed $20,000 of the amount herein appropriated may be used to conduct experiments on Indian school or agency farms to test the possibilities of soil and climate in the cultivation of trees, P8 not mmm b cotton, grain, vegetables, and fruits: Provided also, That the iimuiums. Y amoimts paid to matrons, foresters, farmers, physicians, nurses, and other hospital employees, and stockmen provided for in this Act shall not be included within the limitations on salaries and V0, 3, D 5,,, compensation of employees contained in the Act of August 24, 1912. El" `m` fm, For the purpose of encouraging industry and self·support among mg, em., for an supthe Indians and to aid them in the culture of fruits, grains, and "°'°‘ other crops, $150,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, which sum may be used for the purchase of seeds, animals, machinery, tools, implements, and other equipment necessary, in the discretion of the Secretary of the Interior, to enable Indians to become self- P,0,,_,,,_ Supporting: Provided, That said sum shall be expended under con- R¤i>¤rr¤e¤¤· ditions to be prescribed b the Secretary of the Interior for its repayment to the United States on or before June 30, 1930: Pro- L. mic vided further, That not to exceed $15,000 of the amount herein um m` appropriated shall be expended on any one reservation or for the benefit of any one tribe of Indians, and that no part of this appropriation shall be used for the purchase of tribal herds. ( For reimbursing Indians for livestock which may be hereafter ug; destroyed on account of being infected with dourine or other con- S“’°k· tagious diseases, and for expenses in connection with the work of eradicating and preventing such diseases, to be expended under such rules and regulations as the Secretary of the Interior may prescribe, $10,000. 45S22°—25T-——-28 ·