412 SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 264- 1924- in ,, G · · ‘ 15 000 be expended in aiding indigent common Chippewa Indians upo _ _ d bcco port of a member of tgile shall betyre11;1l:1§1s:1d ;>1;1g>hofn=;1l;1ber mls; lj inst IVI ua proper 0
- ov
- ]b1?I1;maft:;i·ybb-come seized or powessed, and the Secretary of
the Interior shall annually transmit to Congress at the commence; ment of each regulalp sxxon a cgngplete \a;§gu;lceIptiglp1%tsttp)tel1;)1;)1f; po h dit t 0 rece g req _ _ ith; oliglignllirm, or, ind‘igent the dacretionlggglg 1.,.,,.-.. . rn aw · t <=¤¤dmg' may °¤P° ‘ "°""‘°" $.,,2 Sr a.,‘i§E&$h6°€piz»a_ ’ , . h _B¤d Lake ¤¤=¤¤¤· The Secretary of the Interior is authorized to withdraw from thei °`°é';l¥f.$'&mg saw- Treasury of the United $*811*8 *116 {mm of $75¤000» °I` $° muck thxxt
'*°*° "“‘°‘ as may be necessary, of t·}1¢é£j1'111¤1P¤1 Sm? °n ,d°P§s1tSt°b§ °f°M.
versa nm. of the Red Lake Band of ppewa Indians m the ta _ 0 in- . I nasota arising under the Act of May 18, 1916 (Thirty-11111th St¤t· ’ e d the same in the construction and utes, page 138), and to xpen _ d h °“,,,,,,‘“”'“°“‘b°ii3m““‘?”]’a“°i.‘;d"i% °i°i’.i°’§°‘§§ ‘i.,k““"§°¥’.&‘i‘2.Ds,°§,i5 ° e ne 0 e I‘°°"“°"‘ sail] to the llocategsdt (lliedby, on a site to be leased by ‘ ` t - rs. ..:=.;·,:·=z:s:····*·¤··*·=·· ‘h‘i—E-“iif?5’$,?§°§f“P‘L$“cZ‘},§t ‘i§.?‘§..§',L“tL"13f"i‘ii, moan mmap
- ’°* °“¥’*°'* """‘°“°' of the Choctaw and Chickasaw Tribes of Indians, $5,000, to be paid
mm` from the funds held by the United States in trust for said Indians. °¤=•S¤•·°“°· For the su ort of the Osa Agency and pay of tribal officers A expenses etc. PP · ge J ¤¤»¤i¤°¤ii¤gnli·1r¤¤¤¤~' the tribal attorney and his stenogi-apher, and emplcgees of 88.1 agency, $115,0008:;:1 be ;'ia1g%)°fromIt;l1(§ lgg lily the mted States ‘ g sti th rn of 'ansm_ a_oma. tags and me ¤r¤d¤¤· mpi;. neggssagy gxggusgg with p1l_ and fgas p{oduc— t' sage rva on mcu mg sa aries o employees rietiit gf! qugrters for employees; traveling expenses, printing, tele: graphing and telephonmg, and purchase, repair, and operation of
- "°’“ "“’“"“”°" automobiles, $62,500, to be paid om the funds held by the United
States in trust for the Osage Tribe of Indians in Oklahoma.
D,5:z,:X2z¤Sai;*;:aa°“b;¤azmatgs s€*i:.re*:.;:,¥“:;‘;1¤.&!:;:;
ri members of said tribd, when duly authorised or applroved by the Secretagr of tlée Interior, $1;),002}; tc:) be pxpdbsfrom the funds held b th 't d states in trust or e sage ri . C$""°d°'*"€‘* B"“°°` yTh§ sui: bf $225,000 is hereby appropriated out of the principal ofLtes,Utal‘g , .
- {*;j**;>{¤*g$¤,,‘,'§g'§ funds to the credit of the Confederated Bands of Ute Indians,
libris. P the sum of $75,000 of said amount for the benefit of the Ute A“°‘“‘°“"‘ Mountain (formerly Navajo Springs) _Band of said Indians in Colorado, and the sum of $75,000 of sa1d amount for the Uintah, lVhite River, a1;cl$Un($5>0mpz;hgredBands xzf fUtet}Indéanshin Utiab, d th m o` 75 0 sal amoun or e out ern lte Ihdians i;uColorado.’which sums shall be charged to said bands, rn§¤iiu¤Lis°·i’sIi1°it£¤»i;$,¥. and the Secretary of the Interior is also authorized to withdraw from the Treasury the accrued interest to and includin June 30, 1924, on the funds of the said Confederated Bands of [ge Indians v°]·37·l’·°3‘· appropriated under the Act of March 4, 1913 (Thirtyseventh Statutes at Large, page 934), and to expend or distribute the same for the purpose of promoting civilization and self—support _ among the said Indians, under suc regulations as the Secretary P'°"'°"‘ Cm, _ of the Interior may p1'€S0I‘ibeZ Provided, That the Secretary of the Repmw gms Interior shall report to Congress, on the first Monday in December, _ 1925 a detailed statement as to all moneys expended as provided m§s°’£ic$iL°§'E °“ me for herein: Provided further, That none of the funds in this paragraph shall be expended on road_ construction unless, wherever practicable, preference shall be given to Indians in the em-